Barbosa, Lucas V.
- In the technological frenzy of the time, the natural movement of the human body appears slow and…
Koolhaas, Rem
Magritte, René
- Das Komische an einem Menschen ist das, was an ein Ding erinnert. Es ist das, was an einen starren…
Bergson, Henri
de Moura Teles, Rodrigo
rodam spencer stanhope, john
Gagnon, Bernard
Victorian Business Advertising Trade Card
Richard Rummel
Zoe Zenghelis
Serlio, Sebastiano
Monet, Claude
John Soane
Lorenzetti, Ambrogio
- It is requisite for the good of the human community that there should be persons who devote…
St. Thomas Aquinas
Godard, Jean-Luc
Schick, Conrad
Anadol, Refik
- The expression "public opinion" refers to the tasks of criticism and control which a public body of…
Jürgen Habermas
van Oostsanen, Jacob Cornelisz.
- For it is the nature of men to be bound by the benefits they confer as much as by those they…
Macchiavelli, Niccolo
Baťha, Matěj
Eisen, Charles
Paul Strand
Hopper, Edward
- Extimacy is a sharing of its interior towards an undefined other.
- What can you do against the lunatic who is more intelligent than yourself, who gives your arguments…
Orwell, George
Tati, Jacques
Teske, Edmund
Locatelli, Luca
Botticelli, Sandro
nomad in order
Monty Python
- [...] , one of the differentiating characteristics between settlers and nomads is the nomad's…
Makimoto, Tsugio & Manners, David
- Nomad from Latin nomas (wandering groups), from Greek nomas … (roaming, wandering, in search of…
- Le nomade parcourt un champ ouvert suivant une ligne différentiante de … répétition.
Ayadi, Abdelaziz
- A nomad does not "wander aimlessly from place to place" as one dictionary would have it. The word…
Chatwin, Bruce
- True nomads have no fixed home as such; they compensate for this by following unalterable paths of…
Chatwin, Bruce
Man, Elior
- There will be time to murder and create, And time for all the works and days of hands … That lift…
Eliot, Thomas Stearns
Tati, Jacques
- Tout cela marchera en effet jusqu’à Lacan, jusqu’au moment où il inflige à l’homme une nouvelle…
Lang, Fritz
- Disons alors que pour mettre le sujet et le monde en rapport, il faut une fenêtre.
Anadol, Refik & Kanellopoulou, Athanasia
Edition Photoglob
Jacques-Louis David
Hirst, Damien
- Large organisations strive for political compromises with the state and with each other, excluding…
Habermas, Jürgen
- Une hypermobilité qui se vit au niveau local où les territoires se consomment de plus en plus avec…
- No one is more dangerously insane than one who is sane all the time: he is like a steel bridge…
Watts, Alan
Bosch, Hieronymus
Frey, Carl Benedikt & Osborne, Michael A.
- greek mythos: word, speech, story, tale...
Brockhaus Encyclopedia
McKim, Mead, and White
Kimbel & Friederichsen
Rossi, Aldo
Matsuda, Keiichi
Hoffbauer, Theodor Josef Hubert
- A row of columns being indeed nothing else but a wall opened and discontinued in several places.
Alberti, Leon Battista
Heilig, Morton
SRF Archiv
- Intimacy refers to a spectrum of emotional and physical closeness between individuals. In a broader…
Erikson, Erik
Bentham, Jeremy
Van Eyck, Jan
- The conception of a control mechanism, giving the position of any element within an open…
Deleuze, Gilles
Bergmann, Walls & Associates
- Ah, why is human power not as infinite as desire... everything has been coveted... everything has…
D'annunzio, Gabriele
- The death of God signified the disappearance of the divine viewer of the soul. In the secular age…
Groys, Boris
Jonze, Spike
Kapoor, Anish
Casarosa, Enrico
abundance in order
- Momo wasn't sure whether she'd failed to notice them before, or whether they'd only just appeared…
Ende, Michael
- On those nights the water was very calm, so silvery it looked like mercury, and the fish in it…
Calvino, Italo
Mendes, Sam
- Council forms of organization does not break completely with the terrain of a hierarchical society.
Bookchin, Murray
Lara Almarcegui
- With the advent of night a fantastic city of fire suddenly rises from the ocean into the sky.
Denison, Lindsay
- Judgement does not come suddenly; the proceedings gradually merge into the judgement.
Kafka, Franz
Buonarroti, Michelangelo
Stacchini, Ulisse
Muschenheim, Frederick and William