Google Earth
Aliverti, Tommaso; Cigolini, Federico
Aliverti, Tommaso; Cigolini, Federico
Aliverti, Tommaso; Cigolini, Federico
Aliverti, Tommaso; Cigolini, Federico
- For that is after all the most quintessentially human thing in man, that he both is and is not his…
Andreas-Salome, Lou
- Whatever you may be, you are not the verbal labels in your passport any more than you are the word…
Speranza, Chidi
Helfer, Guy
- Lightning strikes - energy is emitted … heat, sound, light … as the temperature changes the matter…
Helfer Guy; Speranza Chidi
- Play can consist not only of deploying actions or submitting to one’s fate in an imaginary milieu…
Caillois, Roger
Howard, Ebenezer
- I leave to the various futures, my garden of Forking Paths.
Borges, Jorge
Fowlers & Wells
- 1. as soon as the majority has the urge for renewal, a new field will be built on. 2. when a new…
Dillier, Paul, Leyel, John
Google Earth
- (...), all the outcomes in fact occur; each is the starting point for further bifurcations. Once in…
Borges, Jorge
- The real is the end product, the result of the passive syntheses of desire as autoproduction of the…
Deleuze, Gilles; Guattari, Félix
- Human brains can't just store information - in our brains, location and information merge.
Troger, Jonathan; Blind, Jasper
M. Saygin, MIT
Troger, Jonathan; Blind, Jasper
Gondry, Michel
Troger, Jonathan; Blind, Jasper
Troger, Jonathan; Blind, Jasper
Lenz, niklas and Ragonesi, david
Kuykendal & Guvanasen
- 1. In a world an Infinite number of connections has been established over time. The result is a…
Lenz, Niklas and Ragonesi, david
Aellig, Saro; Carigiet, Flavio
Eames, Charles; Ray
Hoerle, Heinrich
- A "pros- thesis," then, is always architectural. It is always the supplement of a structure - but…
Wigley, Mark
Lilienthal, Otto
- In these projects and performances, a prosthesis is not seen as a sign of lack but rather as a…
Carigiet, Flavio; Aellig, Saro
Breton, andre+Lamba, jacqueline+Tanguy, yves
Tzara, tristan
- Why is a man willing to risk everything? Well, we've got to do it. We're going into an age of…
Glenn, John
- 3. We intend to proclaim our anxiety, our failure, [...] and joyously affirm our lack. We will set…
Easton, Rowena
- 1. We intend to glorify the love of danger, the custom of energy, the strength of daring. 2. The…
Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso
Tati, Jacques
Stachowiak, Tomasz; Szuminski, Wojciech
Sweerts, Michiel
- The modern illness is the engulfing of the new in the duplicata, the engulfing of intelligence in…
Serres, michel
Mollino, Carlo
- In societies where modern conditions of production prevail, all of life presents itself as an…
Debord, guy
- Persons desiring to train this faculty (of memory) must select places and from mental images of the…
- cor-rumpo (conr- ), rāpi, ruptum (rumptum) Lat. Verb: corrumpere, meaning “to ruin” (or literally…
Oxford University Press
- The Industrial Revolution has two phases: one material, the other social; one concerning the making…
Charles A. Beard
Hans Dieter Schal
- Life is a continuous flow of experience; each act or moment of time is preceded by a previous…
Rossi, Aldo
León Madörin and Jakob Schaefermeyer
- Automation abolishes labor and leads to production under the city. Lifts lead through the…
León Madörin and Jakob Schaefermeyer
Michael Mann
Michael Mann
Sir Henry Hoare
León Madörin and Jakob Schaefermeyer
van Berkel, Jan
Chaplin, Charlie
van Berkel, Jan
Aliverti, Tommaso, Cigolini, Federico
- If we were to come across a mound in the woods, six foot long by three foot wide, with the soil…
Loos, Adolf
- We move into a world where everything that exists only as idea, dream, fantasy, utopia will be…
Baudrillard, jean
- The one no less than the other belongs to Ideas, for Ideas no more have an inside than they do an…
Deleuze, Gilles
Google Earth
Haus Rucker Co
Christo and Jeanne-Claude
Zemeckis, Robert
- Nothing disappears completely. (...) In space, what came earlier continues to underpin what follows.
Lefebvre, Henri
Wachsmann, KONRAD
Hong Kong University
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista
- What’s left? Nature claiming its rights … Space for resources
Aliverti, Tommaso, Cigolini, Federico
Botticelli, Sandro
- Climate change has allowed nature to claim its rights. Resources are provided by a surgical process…
Aliverti, Tommaso, Cigolini, Federico
Industrial Workers of the World Magazine
- How is one to conceive of both the organization of a city and the construction of a collective…
Foucault, Paul-Michel
Aliverti, Tommaso, Cigolini, Federico
Aliverti, Tommaso, Cigolini, Federico
Aliverti, Tommaso, Cigolini, Federico
Aliverti, Tommaso, Cigolini, Federico
Aliverti, Tommaso, Cigolini, Federico
Google Earth
Aliverti, Tommaso, Cigolini, Federico
Howard, Hebenezer
Aliverti, Tommaso, Cigolini, Federico
Cassavetes, John
Cassavetes, John
Cassavetes, John
Cassavetes, John
Harlingue, Albert
Rossi, Aldo