Rossi, Aldo
Rossi, Aldo
Le Corbusier
Google Earth
- Der Zeit ihre Kunst - der Kunst ihre Freiheit
Hevesi, Ludwig
Google Earth
- Myth hides nothing and flaunts nothing: it distorts; myth is neither a lie nor a confession: it is…
Barthes, Roland
Dillier, Paul + Leyel, John
Dillier, Paul + Leyel, John
Dillier, Paul + Leyel, John
Michael Mann
Michael Mann
- vice: a moral fault or weakness in someone's character
Cambridge Dictionary
Madörin, León and Schaefermeyer, Jakob
Madörin, León and Schaefermeyer, Jakob
Madörin, León and Schaefermeyer, Jakob
Otto, Frei
Madörin, León and Schaefermeyer, Jakob
- What we are confronted with is the prospect of a society of laborers without labor, that is…
Hannah Arendt
Chaplin, Charlie
Dorbritz, Robert
Vepstas, Linas
- We are thus confronted by an indefinite multitude of spaces, each one piled upon, or perhaps…
Lefebvre, Henri
- Laplace's demon created a Satanic scare that set the science of nonlinear dynamics back a century…
Shermer, Michael
- A new period opened at the end of the nineteenth century, conveniently marked by Booth's survey of…
Marshall, T. H.
- We are thus confronted by an indefinite multitude of spaces, each one piled upon, or perhaps…
- What they did not look for they did not find. Chaotic phenomena and nonlinear activity were…
Shermer, Michael
Imperial Federation
R. Shepherd, William
Miller, Johnny
Nieuwenhuys, Constant
Tillmans, Wolfgang
Troger, Jonathan; Blind, Jasper
Troger, Jonathan; Blind, Jasper
Dillier, Paul + Leyel, John
Buckminster Fuller, Richard
- control (v.) early 15c., countrollen, "to check the accuracy of, verify; to regulate," from…
Online Etymology Dictionary
- The old men in my village used to say, "Everything changes by the colour of the glass you see it…
Jarmusch, Jim
- control (n.) 1580s, "act of keeping under authority and regulation, fact of checking and directing…
Online Etymology Dictionary
- Cities have become a positive and potent force for addressing sustainable economic growth…
- Trompe-l'œil (/trɒmp ˈlɔɪ/ tromp LOY, French: [tʁɔ̃p lœj]; French for 'deceive the eye') is an art…
- Limitation means to deal with what you have and what you can do with it. It implies a choice and a…
Atelier JQTS
Dorbritz, Robert
Agentur Umsicht
Daryl, Mitchell
Samson, Thomas
Hitchcock, Alfred
Wehrli AG
Cerdà, Ildefons
Lambot, Ian
Lumière, Louis
Schmidli, Philipp
Aellig, Saro; Carigiet, Flavio
Utopia London
James, JR
Vanderlyn, John
Miller, Johnny
- The end of law is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom. For in all the…
John Locke
Google Earth
Bacon, Francis
- Event and space do not merge, but affect one another. […] For a while the transgression would be…
Tschumi, Bernard
- If violence is the key metaphor for the intensity of a relationship, then the very physicality of…
Tschumi, Bernard
Zhenxing, Li
- limit (v.) late 14c., "set limits to, restrict within limits" (also "prescribe, fix, assign"), from…
Online Etymology Dictionary
Elmgreen, Michael; Dragset, Ingar
- limit (n.) c. 1400, "boundary, frontier," from Old French limite "a boundary," from Latin limitem…
Online Etymology Dictionary
- PARODY … as process … as reality … as intoxication … as PARODY
Hall, Ruby; Honshuku, Yutaro
- Having stated the erasure of the early trace, Heidegger can therefore, in a contradiction without…
- The demands of the "Transcendental Signifier" are nothing less than demands to regulate this…
Miyakawa, Atsushi
- Différer in this sense is to temporize, to take recourse consciously or unconsclously, in the…
Derrida, Jacques
- Proust did not write pastiches to raise a laugh. He was doing his homework, just as Schumann did…
Couronne de France
Van der Laan, Hans
Zemeckis, Robert
Unknown, age 46
Google Earth
Carroll, Lewis
Kevin Roche John Dinkeloo and Associates
- […] business has closed down not only the strangeness of the unconscious, but also, even more…
Fisher, mark
- True reason is not free of the contamination of madness, but on the contrary, it borrows some of…
Foucault, Michel
Kevin Roche John Dinkeloo and Associates
- […] even glimmers of alternative political and economic possibilities can have a disproportionately…
Fisher, mark
Lenz, niklas and Ragonesi, david
- A complex adaptive system is a system that is complex in that it is a dynamic network of…
- ‘Or else it doesn’t, you know. The name of the song is called “Haddock’s Eyes.”’ … ‘Oh, that’s the…
Carroll, Lewis
Eisenman, peter
Davioud, gabriel and Bourdais, jules
Otto, frei
Palladio, Andrea