- There is therefore a critique of language in the form of bricolage, and it has even been said that…
Derrida, Jaques
Schneemann, Carole
Bosch, Hieronymus
David, Jacques-Louis
Cranach The Elder, Lucas
- harmony … . a pleasant musical sound made by different notes being played or sung at the same time…
Cambridge Dictionary
- harmoy (n.) from the Greek ἁρμονία harmonia … meaning “unison, togetherness, a relation of sounds”…
Etymology Dictionary
De Loutherbourg, Philip James
Abramović, Marina; Ulay
Sherman, Cindy
Armstrong, Louis
- This is why the imaginary and the real must be, rather, like two juxtaposable or superimposable…
Deleuze, Gilles
Banham, Reyner
Weaver, John Ernest
- I distrust all systematizers and stay out of their way. The will to a system is a lack of integrity.
Friedrich, Nietzsche
- A living thing seeks above all to discharge its strength - life itself is Will to Power…
Nietzsche, Friedrich
- One thinks; but that this ‘one’ is precisely the famous old ego, is, to put it mildly, only a…
Nietzsche, Friedrich
Dayes, Yussef
- God is dead.
Nietzsche, Friedrich
- Les êtres vivants supérieurs constituent un système ouvert présentant de nombreuses relations avec…
Cannon, Walter Bradford
- The observed X is real only insofar as it is the impossible point at which two incompatible…
Žižek, Slavoj
- Like unto each the form, yet non alike; And so the choir hints a secret law, a sacred mystery.
von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang
Delacroix, Eugène
Magritte, René
Truman, Harry S.
- It is only indirectly, I say, that the individual has this violent craving for existence. It is the…
Schopenhauer, Arthur
Muybrudge, Eadweard J.
Roth, Dieter
- Neither the space, nor the time, nor the necessity are the fruit of evolution. They are there. They…
d'Ormesson, Jean
Matta-Clark, Gordon
Cage, John
De Chirico, Giorgio
Kertész, André
Kubrick, Stanley
Kubrick, Stanley
- La vie (…) tend à la sensation d’un maximum de puissance ; elle est essentiellement l’effort vers…
Nietzsche, Friedrich
- Evolution has no ultimate purpose or goal except survival, and that humans are a cosmic accident…
Bergman, Jerry
- Il n’y avait rien. Et ce rien était le tout. Le tout et le rien se mêlaient l’un à l’autre et se…
d’Ormesson, Jean
Mr. Oizo
Kandinsky, Wassily
Bourgeois, Louise
Von Moos, Max
- There were many different reasons behind patrons’ longing for landscapes, some common to all…
Brown, Beverly Louise
Faucon, Bernard
- There's place intangible, a void and room. For were it not, things could in nowise move; … Since…
Siskind, Aaron
Luycks, Christian
- But no one has lived in the past and no one will live in the future. The present is the form of all…
Jean-Luc Godard
- To be oneself that noise, that music, that spectacle, that comedy, to realise oneself as both a…
Foucault, Michel
- Norms or Types just as nature is ever thrifty of motifs even in her endless abundance, constantly…
Banham, Reyner
- Abundance ought to be distinguished from any notion of affluence, excess or surplus. Unlike these…
Bühlmann Vera, Hovestadt Ludger
- In vain we try to fathom the abyss of space, the seat of thy extensive being, of which no place is…
Charles Harrison, Paul Wood, Jason Gaiger
- EXPENDABLE … - adjective: of relatively little significance, and therefore able to be abandoned or…
Oxford Dictionary
- Fat cows: years of abundance; thin cows: harvests of scarcity.
Serres, Michel
Cuarón, Alfonso
Pistoletto, MIchelangelo
- Places that do exist and that are formed in the very founding of society— which are something like…
Foucault, Michel
- Habit is a form of growth or general appearance of a variety or species of plant or crystal.
- We generally use the word habit with special reference to the mysterious border-land between the…
Murphy, Josep J.
- The passion caused by the great and sublime in nature is astonishment, and astonishment is that…
Burke, Edmund
- A simple habit, as every other nervous event is, mechanically, nothing but a reflex discharge.
James, William
Akasaka, Yogetsu
- Limit (math.) : Value which a quantity can approach without ever reaching it.
Carl Court
Kubrick, Stanley
Duchamp Marcel
Damir Sagolj
Hitchcock, Alfred
Das Zentralkomitee der Zünfte Zürichs
Smithson Robert
Christian Kerez
Alzamora, Emil
Alechinsky, Pierre
Bardin, Libre-Irmand
- Ich liebe den Versuch über alles und der Versuch selbst ist schon eine Skulptur für mich.
Signer Roman
Signer Roman
Bärtsch Nik
Hopper, Tobe
Edme Mariotte
Koolhaas, Rem
Delsaux, Cédric
- The essential is the extreme limit of the “possible”, where God himself no longer knows, despairs…
Bataille, Georges
Thomas Struth
Andrea Di Martino
Princen, Bas
Wagner, Richard
- The Dionysian [...] is the freeing of unmeasured instinct, the breaking loose of the unbridled…
Jung, Carl Gustav
- Continuity is the essence of Junkspace
Koolhaas, Rem
- Where there is no law, there is no transgression.
Hayek, Friedrich
Cocteau, Jean