Steyerl, Hito
ASAP, Rocky
Kircher, Athanasius
Kardashian, Kim
Artaud, Antonin
Veridicus, Christianus
- It will therefore only be in language that the limit can be set, and what lies on the other side of…
- The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.
Fuller, Buckminster
Crali, Tullio
- In view of such phenomena and drawing on Sigmund Freud, Norbert Elias, and Walter Benjamin in a…
Rosa, Hartmut
- L'allure du temps a tout à fait changé, disait déjà Michelet en 1872. Il a doublé le pas d'une…
Halévy, Daniel
- Everything that matters in literature is constructed - consciously or not, as if the author…
Ionesco, Eugene
- We must here accept a paradox, which is in fact admitted by everyone with the greatest of ease, and…
Barthes, Roland
Pérez, Javier
Flammarion, Camille
Vaninetti, Francesco
Van der Meulen, Cornelius
David, Jacques-Louis
Friedrich, Caspar David
- Territorializing marks simultaneously develop into motifs and counterpoints and reorganize…
Alma-Tradema, Lawrence
- Now we are at home. But home does not preexist: it was necessary to draw a circle around that…
- No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be…
Bible, New International Version
Cabanel, Alexandre
Trusi, Mario
Frères Le Nain
- Humans can only be free in relation to each other, thus in the range of politics and action; only…
Arendt, Hannah
- Oedipus Complex
Freud, Siegmund
Coppola, Francis Ford
- [...] mythology, since it is the study of a type of speech, is but one fragment of this vast…
Barthes, Roland
Sanboku, Kano
Wenders, Wim
Machatý, Gustav
- Tu me vertige … Tu m'extase … Tu me passionnément … Tu m'absolu … Je t'absente … Tu m'absurde
Luca, Ghérasim
Rist, Pipilotti
Warhol, Andy
Dreyer, Carl Theodor
- Wie will man das Chaos ordnen, ...
Tzara, Tristan
- Dada als Narrenspiel
Ball, Hugo
Klee, Paul
- Simulacra and Simulation
Baudrillard, Jean
- From the day when we first learned how to breathe and how to keep himself alive, through the…
Lévi-Strauss, Claude
- We have two kinds of evidence of the passage of time. One is rhythmic repetition-the heartbeat…
Lynch, Kevin
- It is not the church we want, but the sacrifice; not the emotion of admiration, but the act of…
Ruskin, John
- Mein Gehorsam gibt mir Anteil an der Macht, die ich verehre, und daher fühle ich mich stark. Ich…
Fromm, Erich
- You got to get in to get out.
Coen, Joel; Coen; Ethan
Aronofsky, Darren
Cronenberg, David
Magritte, René
- The word 'be' in the English language contains [...] the categorical imperative of permanent…
Burroughs, William S.
- The spectacle which inverts the real is in fact produced. Lived reality is materially invaded by…
Debord, Guy
- The city, however, does not tell its past, but contains it like the lines of a hand, written in the…
Calvino, Italo
Becher, Bernd; Becher, Hilla
- Indeed, to stubbornly conditioned ears, anything new in music has always been called noise. But…
Varèse, Edgard; Wen-chung, Chou
Tschakert, Frank
Bick, Elizabeth
Scorsese, Martin
- Alles geht, Alles kommt zurück; ewig rollt das Rad des Seins. Alles stirbt, Alles blüht wieder auf…
Nietzsche, Friedrich
- A child in the dark, gripped with fear, comforts himself by singing under his breath. [...] Lost…
Deleuze, Gilles; Guattari, Félix
Vidor, King
- The territory is first of all the critical distance between two beings of the same species: Mark…
Deleuze, Gilles; Guattari, Félix
- The only true voyage of discovery [...] would be not to visit strange lands but to possess other…
Proust, Marcel
- Motion sickness can be devided into three categories: 1. by motion that is felt but not seen. 2. by…
Krumwiede, Keith
Kingma, Carlijn
- noise (n.) [...] apparently from Latin nausea "disgust, annoyance, discomfort," literally…
Online Etymology Dictionary
Fisk, Harold
- The representations generated by a certain state of affairs were misunderstood as the cause of this…
Nietzsche, Friedrich
Paik, Nam June
Eisen, Charles-Dominique-Joseph
Uys, Jamie
Hirst, Damien
Zemeckis, Robert
Fellini, Federico
Sharp, Oscar; Goodwin, Ross
Tinguely, Jean
- When civilization [population] increases, the available labor again increases. In turn, luxury…
Chaldūn, Ibn
Roth, Dieter
Welles, Orson
Ligeti, György
Hodler, Ferdinand
Kahn, Idris
Matta-Clark, Gordon
Resnais, Alain; Marker, Chris; Cloquet Ghislain
Warhol, Andy
Queysanne, Bernard
Cocteau, Jean
Serra, Richard