Holtz, Karl
Ryan, Kathleen
Bärtschi, Hans Peter
Millais John Everett
Acconci Vito
Nationales Aufbauprogramm Berlin
Speer, Albert
Verwaltungsstadt Berlin
- Difference (n): a - b = c
Sumerians and Babylonians
Lingner Reinhold
Anna Sophie Roth, Pau Guasch, Marie Neumann
Jawaschew, Christo; de Guillebon, Jean-Claude
Ullstein / Getty
Mayer H., Jürgen
Bauausstellung Berlin
FHXB Museum
Cole, Thomas
Lovekosi, Martin
Cole, Thomas
Jesse, Horst
Malewitsch, Kasimir
Google maps
Harry Croner
Hunt William Holman
Brunier, Fritz
- Man is a creature that can get accustomed to anything, and I think that is the best definition of…
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Pierre Huyghe
Pierre Huyghe
Gustav und Rosa Worner
Hangschlitt, Anton
Lehnartz Klaus
Elvidge et al.
Grossbauer, Sabine
Pfeifer, Zara
Wikimedia Commons
Die schweizerische Bauzeitung
von Sternberg, Josef
Carl Ballhaus
- If we banish joy from our hearts, birds will no longer chirp in the branches. Water splashes…
Gundula Schulze Eldowy
Römer, Willy
Moriyama, Daido
Forssbohm Ulrike
Archizoom Associati
- corrupt (v.): to morally degrade, to bribe … lat. rumpere (v.): to break, tear apart, shatter
Wolfgang Pfeifer
Croner, Harry
Berliner Morgenpost
Dusableau, Guibert
Lingner Reinhold
- Metabolism, n … "The sum of the chemical reactions that take place within each cell of a living…
Porsche Archiv
- «Landscape is not a stable base but rather an expanse that is constantly reshaped and forever…
Oswalt Philipp and Fontenot Anthony
Croner, Harry
Radziwill, Franz
Hangschlitt, Anton
- The idea of the city in the city is the basic concept for a … future urban replanning of Berlin. It…
Ungers, O. M.; Koolhaas, Rem
Hokkaido University
Pierre Huyghe
- Kaserne … ‘Gebäude(komplex) zur ständigen Unterbringung von Soldaten’, Übernahme (Ende 17. Jh.) von…
Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache
Müller, Jörg
Sander, August
Sommer, Fabian
Zinken, Paul
von Kampf, Arthur
Assmann, Gustav
Situationistische Internationale
Mittelholzer, Walter
- Architecture is not about space but about time.
Acconci, Vito
- The earth can be infinitely divided, territorialized, framed. But unless it is in some way…
Grosz, Elizabeth
- The purpose of a thought-experiment, as the term was used by Schrödinger and other physicists, is…
Le Guin, Ursula K.
Owen Jesse
Knoblauch, Carl Heinrich Eduard
- Contamination (noun) – The act or process of two entities merging, resulting in a transformation of…
- Bis ca. 1908 war schliesslich der letzte Quadratmeter des noch verfügbaren landwirtschaftlichen…
von Buxhoeveden, Dieter; Davids, Detlev
Nolan, Christopher
Zemeckis, Robert
Woo, John
Hadzihalilovic, Lucile
Richter, Hans & Lenz, Markus (Geoportal Berlin)
- “Contemporary science fiction is full of cyborgs – creatures simultaneously animal and machine, who…
Haraway, Donna
Liebenow, Wilhelm
Griebel, Otto
Anna Sophie Roth, Pau Guasch Lopez, Marie Neumann
Bergemann, Sibylle
Bergemann, Sibylle
Google Earth
Reister, Christian
Laux, Michael