King, Jack
British Pathé
Tim Burton
Jeffrey Milstein
- Definition Accident … 1. an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally…
Walt Disney
- The player who trespasses against the rules or ignores them is a "spoilsport." The spoil-sport is…
Huizinga, John
- Qui sait, lorsque le Ciel nous frappe de ses coups, si le plus grand malheur n’est pas un bien pour…
Œdipe chez Admète
- (...) As with all religious symbolism, there is no attempt to justify mythic narratives or even to…
Sky News
- MYTH (n.) an ancient story or set of stories, especially explaining the early history of a group of…
Cambridge Dictionary
Kensett, John Frederick
Gamma, Rahel; Imesch, Luca
- The path is going back and forth between the HM Prison Belmarsh and the London City Airport.
Gamma, Rahel; Imesch, Luca
Steven, Spielberg
Dean, Tacita
Kircher, Athanasius
Kamprani, Katerina
- To show a wretched girl wandering from one misfortune to another; the plaything of wickedness; the…
Marquis de Sade
Diller, Elizabeth; Scofidio,Ricardo
John Dominis
Johann, Heinrich, Füssli
Central Press
Renaudie, Jean & Gailhoustet Renée
Barbier, Léonard
Ghirri, Luigi
Lev Koulidjanov
Aliverti, Tommaso; Cigolini, Federico
- People with new ideas, people with the faintest capacity for saying something new, are extremely…
Ruff, Thomas
Wilson, Cole
Honshuku, Yutaro
Dillier, Elizabeth; Scofidio, Ricardo; pic. Widmer, Beat
Ungers, Oswald Mathias
Busakorn, Pongparnit
Laugier, Marc Antoine
Salgado, Sebastião
- I set myself rules in order to be totally free
Perec, Georges
Jarmusch, Jim
West, Kanye
Litovchenko, Alexander
Picasso, Pablo
Michelangelo, Buonarroti
- Monsieur, J’espère que vous êtes bien rentré de vacances et que vous allez pouvoir venir à Poissy.
Savoye, Eugénie
Gilliam, Terry
Magritte, René
- All progress is based upon a universal innate desire on the part of every organism to live beyond…
Butler, Samuel
Cantafora, Arduino
- The type can thus be thought of as the frame within which change operates, a necessary term to the…
Moneo, Rafael
- The term "cloud" dates back to early network design, when engineers would map out all the various…
Rosen, Rebecca J.
Durand, Jean-Nicolas-Louis
- All houses in the city are joined. Houses of sod - high mountain Mongols blink in smoky doorways -…
Burroughs, William
- The bit of noise, the small random element, transforms one system or one order into another. To…
Serres, Michel
Sicheng, Liang
- To accept this scar is to accept existence. Healing is not an illusory, cosmetic process, but…
Woods, Lebbeus
- Imagine all the world's mountains assembled in one place. The result would be akin to a huge…
Ishigmai, Junya
- Billy Pilgrim says that the Universe does not look like a lot of bright little dots to the…
Vonnegut, Kurt
Ishigami, Junya
León Madörin and Jakob Schaefermeyer
- The mad were often a spectacle at the city gates.
Foucault, Michel
- It saw itself and was seen by itself – as both pure object of spectacle and absolute subject.
Foucault, Michel
Byeonggon, Shin
Aellig, Saro; Carigiet, Flavio
Aellig, Saro; Carigiet, Flavio
Troger, Jonathan; Blind, Jasper
Troger, Jonathan; Blind, Jasper
Aellig, Saro; Carigiet, Flavio
Aellig, Saro; Carigiet, Flavio
Aellig, Saro; Carigiet, Flavio
De Maria, Walter
Sullivan; Louis
Sullivan, Louis
de Cuvilliés, François
Aliverti, Tommaso; Cigolini, Federico
Aliverti, Tommaso; Cigolini, Federico
Aliverti, Tommaso; Cigolini, Federico
Aliverti, Tommaso; Cigolini, Federico
Aliverti, Tommaso; Cigolini, Federico
Semper, Gottfried
- I believe in the city of the future recomposed. In truth the recomposition does not seek a single…
Rossi, Aldo
Ghirri, Luigi
Zemeckis, Robert
Lenz, niklas and Ragonesi, david
Zemeckis, Robert
Aellig, Saro; Carigiet, Flavio
Aellig, Saro; Carigiet, Flavio
Aellig, Saro; Carigiet, Flavio
Aellig, Saro; Carigiet, Flavio
Aellig, Saro; Carigiet, Flavio
Rudofsky, Bernard