Gaudi Antoni
Ishiguro, Hiroshi
- Art was a union of the father and mother worlds, of mind and blood. It might start in utter…
Hesse, Hermann
Cranach, Lucas
Vergara, Camilo Jose
Internationale Situationniste
Sorrentino, Paolo
Hancock, Herbie, Rodriguez, Alfredo
Coppola, Sofia
- Randomness caught on the wing, preserved, reproduced by the machinerie of invariance and thus…
Monod, Jacques
- Drown out of the realm of pure chance, the accident enters into that of necessity, of the most…
Monod, Jacques
- The initial elementary events which open the way of intention in the intensely conservatives…
Monod, Jacques
Coppola, Sofia
- The Darwinian idea that the initial appearance, evolution and steady refinement of ever more…
Monod, Jacques
- What desire can be contrary to nature since it was given to man by nature itself?
Foucault, Michel
- Every artefact is a product made by a living being which through it expresses, in a particularly…
Monod, Jacques
- Architects can no longer afford to be intimidated by the puritanically moral language of orthodox…
Venturi, Robert
- The principle that there is a cause for everything that happens.
Cambridge Dictionary
- The Animal’s instincts are the product of the coercion of the environment in which it develops.
De Balzac, Honoré
Sternfeld, Joel
- Translation is the process of translating the sequence of a messenger RNA (mRNA) molecule to a…
- Necessity [noun]: set of constraints acting on a being or a system that determines its state and…
Robert, Yves
Koolhaas, Rem, Obrist, Hans-Ulrich
- One’s own actions ‘make a difference’ only in a world made of differences.
Latour, Bruno
Richard Hamilton
Paik, Nam June
- With an an amazement which was all the greater as he sensed with horror that all this may not be…
Nietzsche, Friedrich
Pussy Riot
- Je est un autre.
Rimbaud, Arthur
Oursler, Tony
Graverol, Jane
Graham, Dan
Fusco, Coco Gomez; Peña, Guillermo
Melanitis, Yiannis
Musk, Elon
Picasso, Pablo
- Only a genius or a madman could so disentangle himself from the bonds of reality as to see the…
Jung, Carl Gustav
Young, Liam
Yamasaki, Minoru
Wall, Jeff
Tobey, Mark
Till, Jeremy
Till, Jeremy
wegman, William
- Just as there are two different groups of Mad Women, so there are two faces of Dionysos. To those…
casebere, james
Scherbius, Arthur
scamozzi, VINCENZO
Reisz, Todd
Olympic official report
Hething, Hans Peter
Villeneuve, Denis
Milovanoff, Christian
Masson, Andre
- Dérive (n.) One of the basic situationist practices is the dérive (“drifting”), a technique of…
debord, guy
Kubrick, Stanley
Mara, Tim
Fischli, Peter & Weiss, David
Turrell, James
- Die Bremsen los! Ihr könnt nicht? Brecht sie denn, daß sich des Motors Schwung verhundertfacht!
Marinetti, Filippo
Brown, Angus Leadley
Panton, Verner
Welles, Orson
Kubrick, Stanley
Phyton, Monty
Alÿs, Francis
Levinson, Barry
- Acceleration (n.) Increase in the number of action and experience periods per unit of time.
Rosa, Hartmut
Expendable in Dionysos
Kupka, František
Samuel Leigh, Hercules and Corona Borealis
Neshat, Shirin
Koolhaas, Rem
Koolhaas, Rem
- Man calls himself man only by drawing limits excluding his other from the play of supplementarity:
Derrida, Jacques
Koolhaas, Rem
Hokusai, Katsushika
Alma-Tadema, Lawrence
- At the opposite pole to this nature of darkness, madness also exerts a fascination because it is…
Foucault, Michel
Gutman, Karl
- Wisdom, like all precious materials, must be ripped from the entrails of the earth.
Cardan, Jérome
Freidrichs, Chad