Smithson Robert
Christian Kerez
Alzamora, Emil
Alechinsky, Pierre
Bardin, Libre-Irmand
- Ich liebe den Versuch über alles und der Versuch selbst ist schon eine Skulptur für mich.
Signer Roman
Signer Roman
Bärtsch Nik
Hopper, Tobe
Edme Mariotte
Koolhaas, Rem
Delsaux, Cédric
- The essential is the extreme limit of the “possible”, where God himself no longer knows, despairs…
Bataille, Georges
Thomas Struth
Andrea Di Martino
Princen, Bas
Wagner, Richard
- The Dionysian [...] is the freeing of unmeasured instinct, the breaking loose of the unbridled…
Jung, Carl Gustav
- Continuity is the essence of Junkspace
Koolhaas, Rem
- Where there is no law, there is no transgression.
Hayek, Friedrich
Cocteau, Jean
Chaplin, Charlie
- Alienation is a form of living death. It is the acid of despair that dissolves society.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
- The worst labyrinth is not that intricate form that can entrap us forever, but a single and precise…
Jorge Luis Borges
- An activity gives pleasure insofar as it is congenial to the agent's natural capacities and…
Eco, Umberto
- We sought to build a new world, as though Our prolonged leisure was irksome to Us; rich in leisure…
Alberti, Leon Battista
Maclean, Alex
Maclean, Alex
Maclean, Alex
Sternfeld, Joel
Sternfeld, Joel
Sorrentino, Paolo
Epstein, Mitch
Kusama, Yaoy
Epstein, Mitch
- Nature’s direct gift to him is plenty of leisure time. Before he can apply this leisure time…
Marx, Karl
- If the leisure that man has been promised by the machine counts for anything, it must count for the…
Mumford, Lewis
- Ultimately, the door is what monitors vehicles and various vectors whose breaks of continuity…
Hays, K. Michael
- Where does the city without gates begin? Probably inside the minds of returning vacationers, taking…
Hays, K. Michael
- Leisure: Opportunity afforded by freedom from necessary occupations (late 14c.)
Online Etymology Dictionary
- Music moves the passions; but poetry does so better, since its verses not only move the soul but…
Weinberg, Bernard
- The savage and the civilised man differ so much in the bottom of their hearts and in their…
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
- And so here and ever since, an unnatural thing happened: Animal skin was put on our human skin. We…
Sedlacek, Tomas
von Harbou, Horst
Newton, Helmut
Nerlinger, Oskar
Matthews, Tony
jung, Theodore
- It makes no sense to divide cities into these two species, but rather into another two: those that…
Calvino, Italo
Haus Rucker Co.
- It is also convenient to place the doors in such a manner that they may lead to as many parts of…
Alberti, Leon Battista
Hamilton, Richard
Grosz, George
Kahlo, Frida
Debord, guy
Nieuwenhuys, constant
Dore, Gustave
Dancker, Christian
Borromini, Francesco
Le corbusier
Corn,Joseph J.; Horrigan, Brian
Chehere, Laurent
Blake, William
Theft in variables
- Insaisissable et protéiforme, Dionysos ne cesse de l'être à travers les interprétations qu'il…
Détienne, Marcel
koolhaas, rem
Theft in variables
koolhaas, rem
- As cities change and evolve constantly according to their contexts and circumstances and patterns…
Toeput, Lodewijk
- Transgression (n.) : late 14th c. from Old French transgression "transgression," particularly that…
Etymology dictionary
Dürer, Albrecht
Woods, Lebbeus
Cartier-Bresson, Henri
Scott, Ridley
Lynch, David
Nieuwenhuys, constant
Bolzano, Bernard
kahn, Louis
Nietzsche, Friedrich
- Limit (n.) : what determins a domain, what separates two domains.
Gaillbotte, Gustave
- Réon … From Ancient Greek ῥέων … Present active participle of ῥέω: - to flow … - to propagate … -…
Ancient Greek dictionary - olivetti
Andrei Tarkovsky
- If there is to be a new urbanism it will not be based on the twin fantasies of order and…
Andreas Gursky
- aftermath noun … the situation that exists as a result of an important (and usually unpleasant)…
Aloise Corbaz
- If there is to be a new urbanism it will not be based on the twin fantasies of order and…
Matilde Travassos