- Nomadism, way of life of peoples who do not live continually in the same place but move cyclically…
- Roundabouts are designed to keep people away. The continuous flow of traffic around them creates a…
Weizman, Eyal
Woodard, Ann
- People who move and act faster, who come nearest to the momentariness of movement, are now the…
Bauman, Zygmunt
Kordic, Angie
- Now you can see that it is a very tiny quantity, and conclude that gravity is a far, far weaker…
Atkins, Peter
Gursky, Andreas
Ikeda, Ryoji
Smithson, Alison; Smithson, Peter
Gursky, Andreas
Longo, Robert
Hsieh, Tehching
Mayer, Jürgen
Strandl, Lisa; Pitteloud, Stéphanie
Bolin, Liu
Ito, Toyo
Kan, Zeke; Mariethod, Joël
Fairchild, Thomas
Fischli, Peter; Weiss, David
- The necessaries of life for man in this climate may, accurately enough, be distributed under the…
Thoreau, Henry David
- contamination (n.) early 15c., contaminacioun, "infection", from "com": 'with, together' and the…
Etymology Dictionary
- the act of weighing [peser], that verb from which the verb "to think" [penser] is derived
Serres, Michel
- contaminate (v.) to make something less pure
Cambridge Dictionary
- from Latin: necesse +tas … 1. necessity, need, unavoidableness, compulsion, exigency … 2.
Murray, James
Google Earth
Google Earth
- We always find ourselves within multiplicities. Multiplicities are ensembles of singularities.
Deleuze, Gilles
Google Earth
Saville, Peter
Google Earth
Burri, Alberto
- A boundary stone is there so as to be there without making any more sense than that. Since it…
Serres, Michel
Wilson, E. B.
Google Earth
- To invent the sailing ship or steamer is to invent the shipwreck. To invent the train is to invent…
Virilio, Paul
Mendieta, Ana
Alÿs, Francis
Koch, Hubert Josef
Descartes, René
Nauman, Bruce; Kcho
Bourgeois, Louise
Kaprow, Allan
- Créer n’est pas déformer ou inventer des personnes et des choses. C’est nouer entre des personnes…
Robert Bresson
Nauman, Bruce
Holzer, Jenny
- Transgression. An exquisitely perverse act … that never lasts. And like a caress is … almost…
Tschumi, Bernard
Lynch, David
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista
Delaunay, Robert
Rekonstruktion of Viollet le Duc
Google Maps Pro
Preminger, Otto
Wolf, Michael
Marker, Chris
Google Earth Pro
Klee, Paul
Marker, Chris
- In other words, it is from the present that comes the appeal to which memory responds, and it is…
Bergson, Henry
- Souvenir … Subvenio, Latin (lat) support, assist, come to the aid of, rescue
Dali, Salvador
Lichtenegger, Erwin
Kurokawa, Kisho
- Rien ne distingue les souvenirs des autres moments: ce n’est que plus tard qu’ils se font…
Marker, Chris
Loos, Adolf; Loos, Lina
- a thing`s place was no longer anything but a point in its movement, just as the stability of a…
Foucault, Michel
Google Earth Pro
Google Earth Pro
Google Earth Pro
Google Earth Pro
W. Brigman, Anne
Gormley, Antony
Butch Rovan, Joseph
Koolhaas, Rem
- Space and time are the framework within which the mind is constrained to construct its experience…
Kant, Immanuel
Google Earth Pro
Pissarro, Camille
- Nomad: a member of people or a tribe that has no permanent abode but moves about from place to…
- From Latin and Greek Parodia … «pará» = beside, against, counter … «oide» = song, ode …
Wirt, Uwe
Gursky, Andreas
Palladio, Andrea; Scamozzi, Vincenzo
V, Christian
- The actor's realm is that of the fleeting. Within three hours he must experience and express a…
Albert Camus
- MEMORY (n.) 1. The faculty by which the mind stores and remembers information. 2. Something…
Oxford Dictionary
- Remembrance of things past is not necessarily the remembrance of things as they were.
Proust, Marcel
- Parody includes any cultural practice which provides a relatively polemical allusive imitation of…
Dentith, Simon
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Weiwei, Ai; Herzog, Jacques; de Meuron, Pierre
Drooker, Eric
Geiger, Antoine
Poplawski, Marek
Bertall, Charles
van Hoogstraten, Samuel