Gervasi, Joseph
Gursky, Andreas
- Sign, from the latin Word signum: "Mark, Token, Signal". Originating from the Proto-Indo-European…
Etymology Dictionary
- A minute's silence can be very long. A real minute can last an eternity.
Godard, Jean-Luc
Yang, Jimmy
Shubun, Tensho
Inazumaryoku (Privat)
Ogawa, Kazumasa
Kawauchi, Rinko
Hendricks, Joe
Richter, Gerhard
Kusakabe, Kimbei
- A continuous decline had been taking place for some time, a steady erosion of standards that…
Shukan Asahi
Wolf, Michael
Jenny Holzer
Venturi, Robert; Brown, Denise Scott
Coppola, Sofia
Franklin, Rosalind; Gosling, Raymond
- ritual (n.) repeated, always consistent, regular procedure according to a fixed order, ones…
- hygiene (n.) conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease…
Oxford Dictionary
Bruce Davidson
McCloskey, Rick
Rick McCloskey
Rofé, Yodan; Jacobs, Allan; MacDonald, Elizabeth
Ruscha, Ed
Kondo, Marie
Friedman, Glen E.
Sharp, William
- trade (v.) 1. the action of exchanging goods and services … 2. Trade is from Middle English trade…
Oxford Languages; Wikipedia
- LIMIT (n.) something that bounds, restrains, or confines
Webster, Merriam
- The television occupies the space. It is the only thing comfortably placed. Its light passes out.
Colomina, Beatriz
Gursky, Andreas
- CODE (n.): c. 1300, "systematic compilation of laws," from Old French code "system of laws…
Douglas Harper
- SILENCE (n.): 1. an absence of sound; complete quiet … 2. a state of not speaking or making noise
Cambridge University Dictionary
- SCREEN (n.) 1. a flat surface on which a picture or series of pictures is projected or reflected …
Webster, Merriam
- CODE (n.): 1. a system of words, letters, or signs used to represent a message in secret form … 2.
Cambridge University Dictionary
- SCREEN (n.) 1. a flat surface on which a picture or series of pictures is projected or reflected
Webster, Merriam
- In Shinohara’s designs there is always a hint towards verticality. Be it a simple ladder reaching…
Masip-Bosch, Enric
Roosegaarde, Daan
- "Clearly, the desert has done to me what it has done to many of us desert freaks- it has made me…
Banham, Reyner
- Traversing a city can produce a collection of cross sections distinctive of that city...The cross…
Shinohara, Kazuo
Goya, Francisco
- "Clearly, the desert has done to me what it has done to many of us desert freaks- it has made me…
Banham, Reyner
Goya, Francisco
Scott, Ridley
- "Silence, heat and light. The silence flowed back around us, like a filling pool, as I switched off…
Banham, Reyner
Scott, Ridley
- “Nearly everything about Los Angeles appeals to me - … the endless sprawl, the two-story apartment…
Coppola, Sophia
Tarantino, Quentin
Chazelle, Damien
- If you want to have good employees, you need to ensure they are well taken care of. That's why we…
Ford, Henry
- I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of…
Thoreau, Henry David
Associated Press
- "The desert is also seen as an appropriate place for fantasies. In a landscape where nothing…
Banham, Reiner
Chapeye, Artem
Haines, Tim
Joon-ho, Bong
- Boulevards were imported into the United States as land … development promotions - built well in…
Rofé, Yodan ;Jacobs, Allan; MacDonald Elizabeth
- Words strain, crack, and sometimes break, under the burden.
Eliot, T. S.
- “Nearly everything about Los Angeles appeals to me - … the endless sprawl, the two-story apartment…
- The relations of production in any society form the economic base upon which arises a legal and…
Marx, Karl
- “Discard anything that doesn’t spark joy.”
Kondo, Marie
Da Vinci, Leonardo
Carracci, Lodovico
- SCREEN (n.) • a flat surface on which a picture or series of pictures is projected or reflected
Webster, Merriam
Bobrov, Nikolai
Donovan, Tara
- The television occupies the space. It is the only thing comfortably placed. Its light passes out.
Colomina, Beatriz
- You are but a Square, said the Sphere, and you cannot conceive of me. I am in the third dimension…
Abbott, Edwin
- Discard anything that doesn’t spark joy.” ― Marie Kondo, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, 2015
Marie Kondo
- I know that I know nothing.
- SCREEN (n.) • a flat surface on which a picture or series of pictures is projected or reflected
Webster, Merriam
- The television occupies the space. It is the only thing comfortably placed. Its light passes out.
Colomina, Beatriz
- "Only partial control can be exercised over its growth and form. There is no final result, only a…
- SCREEN (n.) • a flat surface on which a picture or series of pictures is projected or reflected … •…
Webster, Merriam
- Growth [noun] 1. The process in people, animals or plants of growing physically, mentally or…
- SCREEN (n.) 1. a flat surface on which a picture or series of pictures is projected or reflected
Webster, Merriam
- "Discard anything that doesn't spark joy."
Kondo, Marie
- Boulevards were imported into the United States as land development promotions - built well in…
- aftermath (n) 1. consequence, result of an unpleasant event. 2. a second-growth crop, a second…
Cambridge Dictionary
Kondo, Marie
- "Nearly everything about Los Angeles appeals to me - the endless sprawl, the two-story apartment…
Ruscha, Ed
- „Beauty may indeed lie in the eye of the beholder, but that eye must have an object of vision, a…