Fludd, Robert
Safdie, Moshe
Safdie, Moshe
Le Corbusier
Le Corbusier
Design Earth
Cronenberg, David
Cronenberg, David
Cronenberg, David
Cronenberg, David
Jung, C.G.
Cronenberg, David
Hardouin-Mansart, Jules
- The architect is an expert collector, one who skillfully and meaningfully … disassembles and…
Frederica Goffi
- What else than a natural and mighty palimpsest is the human brain? Such a palimpsest is my brain…
de Quincey, Thomas
- Area of transition and contact between two neighbouring ecosystems, such as the edge of a forest, a…
Google Earth
Google Earth
Dörpfeld, Wilhelm
Turner, Philip
Kani, Hiroaki
- From the crowd, from the city, she derives an invisible aliment that is as necessary to her as…
Maeterlinck, Maurice
Stravinsky, Igor
- ...The pullulating of living societies whose intertwining forms the texture of the world is not…
Latour, Bruno and Lépinay, Vincent Antonin
Meier, Richard
Meier, Richard
Kahn, Louis
ex Figura
- Tradition is somehow related to myth. [...] they help to explain the society. [...] The hypotheses…
Rowe, Colin
Google Earth
Google Earth
Google Earth
Google Earth
Bridge to Babel
Beeckmann, Isac
Laban, Rudolf
Leque, Jean Jaques
Morris, William
LaBrouste, Henri
LaBrouste, Henri
Koolhas, Rem
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista
- No longer am I alone. There is another. There is the reflection that builds in the dawn a silent…
Borges, Jorge Luis
- And the singleminded streets creating space … Are corridors for sleep and nameless fear.
Borges, Jorge Luis
- In those years… I began to understand that the goal of psychic development is the self. There is no…
Jung, C. G.
Price, Cedric
Houle, Sian
Haus Rucker & Co
Bernini, Bramante, Michelangelo
Boullée, Étienne-Louis
Herzog, Jacques & de Meuron, Pierre
Pucelles, Jean
Venturi, Robert
LaBrouste, Henri
LaBrouste, Henri
LaBrouste, Henri
Fisk, Harold
Haus Rucker & Co
Design Earth
Haus Rucker & Co
Keaton, Robert H.
O’Hara, Morgan
Christie and Gibson
Barton, Julia
- Collision - … […] ''intellectual montage' as a dialectical means of creating meaning; by…
Diba, Kamran
Kahn, Louis
Kahn, Louis
Google Earth
Mozaffari, Ali
Google Earth
Google Earth
Google Earth
Google Earth
Google Earth
Rossi, Aldo
Rosa, Giorgio
Bernini, Gian Lorenzo
Joli, Antonio
Barozzi da Vignola, Jacopo
Berlyn Peter, Fowler Charles
Yaggy, Walter
Camillo, Giulio
- Architecture is not simply a platform that accommodates the viewing subject. It is a viewing…
Colomina, Beatriz
Wenders, Wim
De Vinci, Leonard
- We leave home to the tune of a ditty. On the motor, gestural and sonorous lines that mark a child's…
Deleuze, Gilles_Guattari,Felix
Tschumi, Bernard
Kahn, Louis