- This mother music follows every beat of every heartbeat. Until the last round and until silence.
Bouvier, Nicolas
- Bald ist es wieder Frühling, Gras klein. Dann kommt der Sommer, hohes Gras - Sonne. Dann kommt der…
Bausch, Pina
Crumb, George
Leisure in Dionysos
- Mystics and metaphysicians used to acknowledge that everything in life revolved around exceptional…
Lefebvre, Henri
- Peasant celebrations tightened social links and at the same time gave rein to all the desires which…
Lefebvre, Henri
- Life is habit. Or rather life is a succession of habits, since the individual is a succession of…
Beckett, Samuel
Edgerton, Harold
Brüghel the Elder, Jan & Rubens, Peter Paul
Brüghel the Elder, Jan & Rubens, Peter Paul
Brüghel the Elder, Jan & Rubens, Peter Paul
Matta-Clark, Gordon
- It is our ancient habit to adjust to our environment, to discriminate and organize perceptually…
Lynch, Kevin
- For Bresson, then, acting is, like mood music and expressive camera work, just one more way of…
Ben-gad, Shmuel
Brüghel the Elder, Jan & Rubens, Peter Paul
- The famous cities all suffer from the same faceless sprawl at the periphery. One may reasonably…
Lynch, Kevin
Bruegel the Elder, Pieter
- There are fundamental functions of which the city forms may be expressive: circulation, major land-…
Lynch, Kevin
Brüghel the elder, Jan & Rubens, Peter Paul
- Les habitants d'un territoire ne cessent de raturer et de récrire le vieux grimoire des sols. Le…
Corboz, André
Leisure in Dionysos
Vajda, Lajos
- The spectacle's estrangement from the acting subject is expressed by the fact that the…
Debord, Guy
University of Chicago
- Our society is characterized by a cancerous growth of vision, measuring everything by its ability…
De Certeau, Michel
- Le « temps » produit l' « histoire » et l' « échelle » de par son aptitude naturelle à spatialiser…
Philadelphia College of Art
Froriep, L.
Tarantino, Quentin
- To practice the senses does not mean only to use them, but to learn how to correctly judge with…
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
Wolfer Nico; Honegger Jan
- Through play we experience the world, we construct it and we destroy it, and we explore who we are…
Sicart, Miguel
Brueghel the Eldern, Jan & Rubens, Peter Paul
- The importance of the public space is to refer among themselves the private spaces, while…
de Solà-Morales, Manuel
Brueghel the Elder, Jan & Rubens, Peter Paul
- Where we do not reflect on myth but truly live in it there is no cleft between the actual reality…
Cassirer, Ernst
- The man who neglects things finds that his time escapes him. Then necessity or at least desire…
Alberti, Leon Battista
Koolhaas, Rem; Vriesendorp Madelon
- Man plays only when he is in the full sense of the word a man, and he is only wholly a Man when he…
Schiller, Friedrich
- Three-body problem, is the problem of determining the motion of three celestial bodies moving under…
- Towards a city far away from riots and tocsin, Where the naked knife of the guillotines gleams…
Verhaeren, Emile
- Whoever looks out through an open window never sees as much as whoever looks out through a closed…
Baudelaire, Charles
- Food, shelter and water are the three basic necessities of life, but as humans, do we need more?
Brown, Madeline
- The Apollonian and Dionysiac tendencies explain how players navigate the context of play. When…
SIcart, Miguel
- The rammed rails crawl underground … In tunnels and craters … To reappear in clear networks of…
Verhaeren, Emile
Bruegel, Pieter
- Play is between the rational pleasures of order and creation and the sweeping euphoria of…
- There exists a great chasm between those, on one side, who relate everything to a single central…
Berlin, Isaiah
- Play is the force that pulls us together. It is a way of explaining the world, others, and…
Sicart, Miguel
Nolli Giambattista
- Everything that remains in the adults of the atmosphere of the enchanted forests, everything that…
Aragon, Louis
- The desire to play is fundamentally the desire to be.
Sartre, Jean-Paul
- from Old French eclipse "eclipse, darkness"; … from ekleipein "to forsake a usual place, fail to…
Rem, Koolhaas
- Our bodies respond to the level of light and the amount of time that we are exposed to it. The…
Arís, Carlos Martí
- Rituals have the potential to release people from the binding structures of their lives into a…
Turner, Victor
Kiefer, Anselm
- Thus a comfortable home constitues assets for living, that is to say building your personality.
Paquot, Thierry
- People who are isolated crave social interactions similarly to the way a hungry person craves food.
google earth
Lang, Bernhard
- Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the…
Carl Gustav Jung
- DERIVE (v.) . late 14c., “descend from” from Old French deriver “to flow, pour out, originate” from…
- UPRIGHT (adj.) . As an adverb, Old English uprihte. As a noun, 1560s in the sense a vertical…
Arendt, Hannah
Sullivan, Louis
brown, Trisha
Klein, Yves
Fragonard, Jean-Honoré
Lanling Xiaoxiao Sheng
- Becoming is the unseparatedness of being and nothing, not the unity which abstracts from being and…
Himmel Blau
- Le présent est la forme de toute vie. C’est une possession qu’aucun mal ne peut lui arracher. Le…
Godard, Jean-Luc
The Bad Kids
Tykwer, Tom
Wenders, Wim
Wenders, Wim
Wenders, Wim
Godard, Jean-Luc
- This game induces a kind of hypnosis, a strange feeling of happiness. Winning is hardly important.
Wenders, Wim
Dürig AG
- Der Mensch, die wohl geheimnisvollste Spezie unseres Planeten. Ein Mysterium auf eine Frage. Wer…
Tykwer, Tom
Paci, Andrea
- In Entropolis, there is no reuse, repair or recycling. Unused structures are completely left to…
Honegger, Jan; Wolfer, Nico
Kuriyama, Takatsugu
- CONSTITUTION OF ENTROPOLIS … We the citizens of Entropolis, look back on history as a trace that…
Honegger, Jan; Wolfer Nico