- According to Kant, all our thinking is related to imagination, which means it is related to our…
Ungers, Oswald Matthias
- The way we experience the world around us depends on how we perceive it. Without a comprehensive…
Ungers, Oswald Matthias
Canali, Robert
- Travelling outgrows its motives. It soon proves sufficient in itself. You think you are making a…
Bouvier, Nicolas
- The Theatre of the World also seemed to me to be in a place where architecture ended and where the…
Rossi, Aldo
- The adventurer is the one by whom adventures happen rather than the one to whom the adventures…
Debord, Guy
- The fear and anguish caused by this loss of sensory and spiritual points of reference are only the…
- Surrounded by a world full of wonder and forces, whose law man may define, may want to understand…
Semper, Gottfried
- There are certainly some extremely beautiful things in the game of chess in terms of movement, but…
Duchamp, Marcel
- By careful planning we could have an environment in which the human mind and spirit may either…
Price, Cedric
Baglivo, Carmelo
Munk, Walter H.
- It is no longer the island that is separated from the continent, it is humans who find themselves…
Deleuze, Gilles
Baz Luhrmann
Ok Go
Geoffroy, Etienne Francois
Parr, Martin
Angelo Finelli
Hodges, William
Google earth
Google earth
- In such a society the basic problem is no longer production but rather the creation of sufficient…
Hays, K. Michael
- NIMIS [ˈnɪ.mɪs]; ne- + the root of metior; not comparable. _ Too, too much, excessively.
Berthold, Werner
Wolfer Nico; Honegger Jan
Rothermel, Peter
Honegger, Jan; Wolfer, Nico
Ruscha, Edward
Google Earth
- variable … adjective … 1a : able or apt to vary : subject to variation or changes variable winds…
Dürig AG
London Transport
Le Corbusier
- Here landmarks is entirely prosaic. [...] Thus each district is collected in the void of its…
Barthes, Roland
- Here, on the contrary, domiciliation is sustained by no abstraction. (…) This city can be known…
Barthes, Roland
- For there to be a mastery of the real (in this case the reality of adresses), it suffices that…
Barthes, Roland
- The streets of this city have no names. There is of course a written dress, but it has only a…
Barthes, Roland
Descombes, Georges
Paolozzi, Eduardo
Tanaka, Tomoyuki
Oxford Languages
Bourgeois, Louise
- Babel of arcades and stairways, It was a palace infinite, Full of basins and of cascades … Falling…
Baudelaire, Charles
tcheglov, ivan
Ann Sophia & Milena
- I think that from Baudelaire I learnt (...) the sordid aspects of the modern metropolis, the…
Eliot, T. S.
Bruegel, Peter
- I go alone to try my fanciful fencing, Scenting in every corner the chance of a rhyme, Stumbling…
Baudelaire, Charles
Ungers, Oswald Mathias
- STATEMENT … There is no reuse, repair or recycling. Abandoned structures are completely left to…
Honegger, Jan; Wolfer, Nico
- CONSTITUTION … The citizens of Entropolis always strive to shape all their actions in such a way…
Honegger, Jan; Wolfer, Nico
Hoffmann, René
- [...] This is the opposite of the "romantic ruin" because the buildings don't fall into ruin after…
Smithson, Robert
Smithson, Robert
- Because environmental contingencies are associated with extrinsic motivation, perceived freedom…
Peter A. Witt, Gary Ellis
Schaeffer, Pierre
Escher, Maurits Cornelis
Fludd, Robert
Leibniz, Gottfried
- In the measurement of any physical system, there are macroscopic and microscopic variables to be…
Braidotti, Rosi and Hlavajova, Maria
- Displayed in themselves, emptied of all resemblances, cleansed even of their colours, visual…
Foucault, Michel
Mendeleev, Dmitri
Athabasca University
Descartes, René
- Silence that dreadful bell: it frights the isle from her propriety.
- The Theatre of the Absurd is a theatrical embodiment and manifestation of existentialism. It is…
Esslin, Martin
- Man, the bravest of animals, and the one most accustomed to suffering, does not repudiate suffering…
Nitzsche, Friedrich
Stuck, Franz Stuck
variables in dionysos
- Our nada who art in nada, nada be thy name thy kingdom nada thy will be nada in nada as it is in…
Hemingway, Ernest
- The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is…
Lovecraft, Howard Phillips
Miéville, Yoann; Von Arx, Alan
Miéville, Yoann; von Arx, Alan
Miéville, Yoann; von Arx, Alan
- [...] the nomad goes from point to point, only as a consequence and as a factual necessity; in…
Deleuze, Gilles; Guattari, Félix
U.S. Department of the Inferior
- In smooth space, the line is therefore a vector, a direction and not a dimension or metric…
Deleuze, Gilles
Miéville, Yoann; Von Arx, Alan