European Space Agency's Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) satellite
United States Army Service Forces
Google Earth
Google Earth
Kubrick, Stanley
Google Earth
Google Earth
Strauss, Richard
Diller Scofidio + Renfro
Morse, Ralph
Kapoor, Anish Kapoor
Google earth
google earth
google earth
Côté, Jean-Marc
Chung, Sougwen
Henn, Walter
Banham, Reyner
- The realm of freedom actually begins only where labour which is determined by necessity and mundane…
Marx, Karl
- The saving of labour time [is] equal to an increase of free time, i.e. time for the full…
Marx, Karl
- Time is not a reality (hypostasis), but a concept (noêma) or a measure (metron).
- socially: it seeks the confirmation of political equality by economic equality. This is not the…
Bakunin, Mikhail
Shimbun, Asahi
Google Earth
Joren Gerhard
Google Earth
Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration
First Look Media
First Look Media
Google Earth
Ungers, Oswald Mathias
Latz Peter
- Hallucinating, by falling in the city’s traps and illusions: CONFUSING
Milena, Ann Sophia
- Feeling different emotions simultaneously, by merging contradicting functions: OVERLAPPING
Milena, Ann Sophia
- Swinging rapidly from one emotion to another, by connecting unrelated places: CONTRAST
Milena, Ann Sophia
- Having an altered sense of time, by getting lost in labyrinths, diversions or taking…
Milena and Ann Sophia
- The city leaves behind a trace of its own history. This trace encourages and motivates all citizens…
Honegger, Jan; Wolfer, Nico
- TIMELINE CITY … The morphology of the expendable city is based on the principle of architecture…
Honegger, Jan; Wolfer, Nico
- Psykhe … The citizens of Psykhe believe the city’s duty is to provide emotional experiences rather…
Milena and Ann Sophia
Google earth
Kubrick Stanley
- Psychedelic: from Greek psykhē 'mind' and dēloun 'make visible, reveal'
Online Etymology Dictionary
Google Earth
Turrell, James
Google Earth
Google Earth
Google Earth
Google Earth
- Dal cucchiaio alla città.
Rogers, Ernesto Nathan
Lenora ditzler
Gursky, Andreas
- "Both-And"
Venturi, Robert
- I am for richness of meaning rather than clarity of meaning. [...] I prefer "both-and" to…
Venturi, Robert
Hill, D. O.
Subiela, Eliseo
Christo ,Jeanne Claude
Stölzl, Gunta
- Half a millenium later our cities have become monstruous; too uncontrolled to be painted…
Koolhaas, Rem
Braun, Georg; Hogenberg, Franz
- Warhol also noticed that people who went to gallery openings were fascinated not by art on the…
Kishik, David
- Accident is inseparable from the speed.
Virilio, Paul
Alberti, Leon Battista
Ruiz, Oscar
- Every society is dromocratic.
Hauer, Thomas
Nieuwenhuys, Constant
U. S. Navy
Sambuichi, Hiroshi
Richard, Mat
Boutwell, Alan; Mitchell, Michael
Brian Kang
- The truth is that sexuality is everywhere: the way a bureaucrat fondles his records, a judge…
Deleuze, Gilles; Guattari, Félix
Bernini, Gian Lorenzo
Delsaux, Cédric
- MUSICAL CHAIRS [synonyms] : disturbance, bedlam, tumult, pandemonium, commotion, turbulence…
Online Thesaurus
- It has been the general practice of princes, for the purpose of holding their states securely, to…
Machiavelli, Niccolò
Google Earth
Monnik, Peter
Google Earth
Google earth
Google Earth
Google Earth
Google Earth
Milena und Ann-Sophia
- Habit is a particular act or way of acting that you tend to do regularly.
Cambridge dictionary
Google Earth
Habit in Dionysos
Turner, William