S1E3 Constants

Fellini, Federico: La Dolce Vita (1960)

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Subordination in Constants: Of Festivity and Flood (2019)

  • subordination
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Subordination in Constants: Of Festivity and Flood (zoom) (2019)

  • subordination
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Subordination in Constants: Of Festivity and Flood (2019)

  • subordination
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Rousseau, Jean-jacques: Du contrat social ou Principes du droit politique (1762)

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  • philosophy
  • politics
  • absolutism
  • leviathan
  • hobbes

unknown: Djoseb Pyramid (1900)

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Alberti, Leo Battisata: Palazzo Rucellai (1451)

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Darwin, Charles: On the origin of species (1859)

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Semper, Gottfried: Karaibische Hütte (1863)

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Unknown: Mugsum Mud Huts (2015)

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Unknown: Shed for palavers (2017)

  • african
  • theprimitivehut
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unknown: Temple of Poseidon, Paestum (450)

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Unkown: Unknown (1600)

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Subordination in Constants: Karlsruhe (2012)

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Cellarius, Andreas: Harmonica Macrocosmica (1708)

  • copernicus
  • solarsystem
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Anarchy is order without power.

Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph: Confessions of a Revolutionary (1851)

  • anarchy
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Saenredam, Pieter Jansz: Plato's Allegory of the Cave (1604)

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Civilizations die from suicide, not by murder.

Toynbee, Arnold J.: A study of history (1934)

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Camuccini, Vincenzo: La Morte di Cesare (1806)

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Stumpff, F.J.: schletstadt (1865)

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google earth: Lucca, Italy (2019)

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Engadiner Kraftwerke: Punt dal Gall (1968)

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unknown: Daniel Johnson Dam (1959)

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unknown: Chromatography (2019)

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Terragni, Giuseppe: Studies for the Palazzo del Littoria (1934)

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unknown: King's college Chapel (1515)

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Nervi, Pier Luigi: Gatti Wool Factory (1951)

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The big problems facing the world today are not at all things beyond our control. Our biggest threat is not an asteroid about to crash into us, some- thing we can do nothing about. Instead, all the major threats facing us today are problems entirely of our own making. And since we made the problems, we can also solve the problems. That then means that it’s entirely in our power to deal with these problems.

Diamond, Jared: Why do societies collapse ? (2003)

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Pieter Bruegel the Elder: The Harvest (1565)

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    Molteni Carlo, Fenoglio Giovanni
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Brueghel, Jan the elder: bacchanalia (1616)

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The values to which people cling most stubbornly under inappropriate conditions are those values that were previously the source of their greatest triumphs.

Diamond, Jared: Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed (2005)

  • society
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The first item on the framework is to look for human impacts on the envi- ronment: people inadvertently destroying the resource base on which they depend. [...] A second item on my checklist is climate change. Climate can get warmer or colder or dryer or wetter. [The climate] isn’t necessarily fatal. [...] The third thing on my checklist is relations with neighboring friendly societies that may prop up a society. And if that friendly support is pulled away, that may make a society more likely to collapse. [...] The fourth item on my checklist is relations with hostile societies. [...] And then finally, the fifth item on my checklist is the political, economic, social and cultural factors in the society that make it more or less likely that the society will perceive and solve its environmental problems.

Diamond, Jared: Why do societies collapse (2003)

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Erró: Foodscape (1964)

  • consumerism
  • consumption
  • food
  • capitalism
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    Buetzberger Jessica, Voutat Maude
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En tant qu’être rationnel, chaque éleveur cherche à maximiser son gain. Explicitement ou implicitement, plus ou moins consciemment, il se demande “quelle est l’utilité pour moi d’ajouter une bête de plus à mon troupeau ?” Cet utilité a une composante négative et une composante positive.

La composante positive est fonction de l’incrément d’une bête. Puisque l’éleveur reçoit tous les revenus de la vente de l’animal additionnel, l’utilité positive est presque +1.
La composante négative est fonction du surpâturage additionnel provoqué par la bête supplémentaire. Mais, comme les effets du surpâturage sont part- agés par tous les éleveurs, l’utilité négative pour chaque éleveur qui prend une décision est seulement une fraction de -1.

En ajoutant les utilités partielles individuelles, l’éleveur rationnel conclut que la seule voie sensée qu’il peut suivre est d’ajouter une autre bête à son troupeau. Et une autre; et une autre... Mais ceci est la conclusion atteinte par chaque berger rationnel partageant un terrain commun. C’est là que se trouve la tragédie. Chaque homme est enfermé dans un système qui le contraint à augmenter son troupeau sans limite - dans un monde qui est limité. La ruine est la destination vers laquelle tous les hommes se ruent, chacun à la poursuite de son propre meilleur intérêt dans une société qui croit en la liberté des communaux. La liberté dans les communaux apporte la ruine à tous.

Hardin, Garett: La Tragédie des Communaux (1953)

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unknown: Nagasaki (1945)

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The Barbarians made their passage felt by being in at the death of the Hellenic Society but they cannot even claim the distinction of having deliv- ered the death-blow; for by the time when they overran the Roman Empire, the Hellenic Society was already moribund—a suicide slowly dying of wounds self-inflicted during a ‘Time of Troubles’ centuries before.

Toynbee, Arnold J.: A study of history (1934)

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Etienne-Louis Boullée: Cenotaph for Newton (1784)

  • day
  • night
  • inversion
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    Molteni Carlo, Fenoglio Giovanni
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Ledoux, Claude-Nicolas: Saline Royale (1775)

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Ledoux, Claude-Nicolas: Saline Royale (1775)

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Becher, Bernd and Hilla: Water Towers (1988)

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unknown: Hoover Dam (1936)

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google earth: Hoover Dam, Nevada (2019)

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Subordination in Constants: Of Fortune and Flood III (2019)

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Subordination in Constants: Montage (2019)

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Subordination in Constants: Subordination (2019)

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Bühlmann, Josef: The Agora of Athens (1880)

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  • athens
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Kahn, Louis: Castles Floor Plan Sketches (1991)

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Kirchner, Athanasius: TOPOGRAPHIA PARADISI (1675)

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Buanaroti, Michelangelo: Drawings for the fortifications of Florence (1529)

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Buanaroti, Michelangelo: Studies for Church Typologies (1529)

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Buonaroti, Michelangelo: Drawings for the fortifications of Florence (1529)

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Rufini, Alessandro: Villa Aldobrandini (1550)

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Google Earth: Phoenix, Arizona (2019)

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Engadiner Kraftwerke: Zentrale Bärenburg (1963)

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Engadiner Kraftwerke: Staumauer Albigna (1959)

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Subordination in Constants: jdjd (2000)

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Subordination in Constants: Montage (2019)

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Subordination in Constants: Of Fortune and Flood I (2019)

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Subordination in Constants: Of Fortune and Flood II (Detail) (2019)

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Subordination in Constants: Of Fortune and Flood II (2019)

  • subordination
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Subordination in Constants: Section (2019)

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