S1E6 Apollo

Greenaway, Peter: Prospero's Books (1991)

  • movie

the situation in which there is more than enough of something

as much as is necessary

needed in order to achieve a particular result

the situation in which there is more than needed to achieve a particular result

Definition: Abundance (2021)

  • definition
  • abundance
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    Huber, Felix
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Apollo embodies the balance and harmony of the passions, achieved not by suppressing instinctive impulses, but by directing them through the devel- opment of awareness towards an ever- increasing spiritualization. [...]
On the contrary, Apollo symbolizes the defeat of violence, inspired self- control and the marriage of reason and intuition, being the son of a god, Zeus, and through his mother Leto the grandson of a Titan. His wisdom is acquired, not inherited. [...] He symbolizes the acme of spiritualization and is one of the noblest symbols of the ascent of man.

CHEVALIER, JEAN; GHEERBRANT, ALAIN: Dictionary of Symbols (1969)

  • apollo
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    Huber, Felix
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Greenaway, Peter: Prospero's Books (1991)

  • movie

Greenaway, Peter: Prospero's Books (1991)

  • movie

Greenaway, Peter: Prospero's Books (1991)

  • movie

Abundance in Apollo: Theory of Form (2021)

ANIMUS is the city of ideals. A city like the mind. Its parts insides, like thoughts, enclosed and pure without noise nor elsewheres. Though built all ideals break, getting place, weight and context, in ANIMUS without hierarchy nor transition ideals meet and clash becoming new ideas. Not eradicating but escalating their contradictions. Making its sum a mind of itself abundant in ideas. To let its inhabitants always be inside their desires but never be imprisoned by them. Always changing and keeping them as well as the city in the only state of real ideality - the striving for it.

Abundance in Apollo: statement (2021)

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    Huber, Felix
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michelangelo: biblioteca laurentiana (1533)

Abundance in Apollo: Requisit (2021)

Abundance in Apollo: Renaissance Collage (2021)


Abd ar-Rahman I: Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba (1500)

Greenaway, Peter: Prospero's Books (1991)

  • movie

Greenaway, Peter: Prospero's Books (1991)

Greenaway, Peter: Prospero's Books (1991)

  • movie

Vesalius, Andrea: de humanis corporis fabrica (1543)

  • anatomy

Abundance in Apollo: Modern Man (2021)

Greenaway, Peter: Prospero's Books (1991)

  • movie

Matta-Clark, Gordon: conical intersect (1975)

  • parisbiennale
  • antimonument
  • demolition
  • performance
  • gentrification
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    Correia Antonio Brito, Pülz Alan, Schäli Erich
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Marcel Duchamp: Fontaine (1917)

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    Debons Claire, Kültür Yagmur
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Abundance in Apollo: Continual Ideal (2021)

unknown: Brain (2020)

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    Bovet Milena, Kirchhofer Ann-Sophia
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Fludd, Robert: Tomus Secundus (1621)

Serlio, Sebastiano: Tragic & Comic Sceneries (1545)

  • comic
  • tragic
  • scenery
  • perspective
  • serlio
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    Schweitzer Maximilian, Zhang Rui
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Abundance in Apollo: The Brain (2021)

Abundance in Apollo: Brain Scan (2021)

Abundance in Apollo: Brain Scan (2021)

Abundance in Apollo: Brain Scan (2021)

Abundance in Apollo: Brain Scan (2021)

Abundance in Apollo: the mind (2021)

Abundance in Apollo: Mind Scan (2021)

Abundance in Apollo: Mind Scan (2021)

Abundance in Apollo: Mind Scan (2021)


we are apollonian
controlling our desire
successful in our goals
let abundance break them
to be Apollonian again

Abundance in Apollo: Manifesto (2021)

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    Huber, Felix
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Abundance in Apollo: Trajectories (2021)

  • apollo
  • dionysos
  • abundance
  • desire

Abundance in Apollo: Prospero's Books (1991)

  • movie


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    Chan Chiara, Haushofer Oskar
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Abundance in Apollo: Ingredients (2021)

Abundance in Apollo: eclecticism (2021)

Abundance in Apollo: Movie Set (2021)

Abundance in Apollo: Insert (2021)

Abundance in Apollo: Collision (2021)

Abundance in Apollo: Detournement (2021)

Abundance in Apollo: collision (2021)

Henson, Jim: Labyrinth (1986)

  • fiction
  • illusion
  • labyrinth

Abundance in Apollo: Body (2021)

Unknown: Map Of Bermudas (1644)

  • map
  • island

Abundance in Apollo: Chess (2021)

Abundance in Apollo: Mind (2021)

Abundance in Apollo: The Mind (2021)

Unknown: A building falling during the Blitz (1941)

  • worldwar

Haus Rucker & Co: Oase no. 7 (1972)

Abundance in Apollo: Continual Ideals (2021)

Jean Baptiste Marc Bourgery; Nicolas Henri Jacob: Traite complet de l’anatomie de l’homme (1831)

  • anatomy

Abundance in Apollo: Camera (2021)

Greenaway, Peter: Prospero's Books (1991)

  • movie

Greenaway, Peter: Prospero's Books (1991)

  • movie

Abundance in Apollo: Making of Ruin (2021)

Abundance in Apollo: Insert (2021)

Abundance in Apollo: Manhattan (2021)

Abundance in Apollo: Insert (2021)

Abundance in Apollo: Insert (2021)

Abundance in Apollo: Body (2021)

Abundance in Apollo: Mirror Maze (2021)

Abundance in Apollo: Rome in Manhattan (2021)

Abundance in Apollo: Rome on Manhattan (2021)

Abundance in Apollo: Zoom (2021)

Abundance in Apollo: Body (2021)

Abundance in Apollo: Zoom (2021)

Abundance in Apollo: The Brain (2021)

an ideal city
striving for meaning
no transitions, no outside
an entity from within our minds
its parts ideal, exactly what we want
its sum an experience beyond imagination
to continually change what we want
and keep us striving for the ideal

Abundance in Apollo: the ideal as striving for the ideal (2021)

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    Huber, Felix
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Eames, Ray and Charles: Powers of Ten™ (1968)

  • zoom
  • 1010
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    Correia Antonio Brito, Pülz Alan, Schäli Erich
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michelangelo: biblioteca laurentiana (1533)

Abelardo Morell: Camera Obscura: Manhattan View Looking South in Large Room (1996)

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    Asimakis Matthew, Busqila Liat
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abd ar-rahman I: MOSQUE-CATHEDRAL OF CORDOBA (2010)

Tillmans, Wolfgang: No Man Is an Island. No Country by Itself (2016)

Greenaway, Peter: Prospero's Books (1991)

  • movie

Greenaway, Peter: Prospero's Books (1991)

  • movie

Haus Rucker & Co: Giant Gamut (1971)

By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.

Confucius: - (500)

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    Huber, Felix
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On the very lowest level of interpretation, this means that the real object that desire lacks is related to an extrinsic natural or social production, whereas desire intrinsically produces an imaginary object that functions as a double of reality, as though there were a “dreamed-of object behind every real object,” or a mental production behind all real productions.

Deleuze, Gilles; Guattari, Felix: Anti-Œdipus (1972)

  • deleuze
  • guattari
  • desire
  • production
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    Huber, Felix
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copious quantity or supply, mid-14c., from Old French abondance and directly from Latin abundantia “fullness, plenty,” abstract noun from abundant-, past participle stem of abundans “overflowing, full,” present participle of abundare “to overflow”

Etymology: Abundance (2021)

  • etymology
  • abundance
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    Huber, Felix
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Evans, John: Stone Tools (1897)

hundertwasser, friedensreich: MEN'S FIVE SKINS (1997)

Abundance in Apollo: Projection (2021)

Greenaway, Peter: Prospero's Books (1991)

  • movie

He [Friedrich Nietzsche] sees the dark foil upon which the serene and golden world of Olympus is painted. “In order to make life possible, the Greeks from sheer necessity had to make these Gods.”
“The Greek knew and felt the terror and awfulness of existence: to be able to live at all he had to interpose the shining, dream-borne Olympian world between himself and that dread.

Jung, Carl Gustav: Psychological Types (1921)

  • greek
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    Huber, Felix
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For there to be art, for there to be any aesthetic activity and observation, one physiological prerequisite is indispensable: intoxication. [...] the intoxication of the will, the intoxication of an overloaded and swollen will. – What is essential in intoxication is the feeling of increased strength and fullness. This feeling leads us to donate to things, to make them take from us, to force ourselves on them – this process is called idealizing. Let’s get rid of a prejudice at this point: idealizing does not consist, as is commonly thought, in taking away or subtracting what is small and incidental. Instead, what is decisive is an immense drive to bring out the principal traits, so that the others disappear in the process.

Nietzsche, Friedrich: Twilight of the Idols (1889)

  • nietzsche
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    Huber, Felix
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Waterhouse, John William: Miranda - The Tempest (1916)

  • painting