S2E1 Pathfinder/London

Vertov, Dziga: Kino eye (1924)

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    Lorenz Kleiser, To-Thanh Le, Léo Ornstein, Arthur Piaget Rossel, Wenyan Li, Clara Zuber
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Ubiquity (n.)
"omnipresence", from Modern Latin ubiquitas, from Latin ubique "everywhere," from ubi "where".

Onlyne Etymology Dictionnary: Ubiquity (2022)

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    Lorenz Kleiser, To-Thanh Le, Léo Ornstein, Arthur Piaget Rossel, Wenyan Li, Clara Zuber
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London City: Congestion charging zone (2022)

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    Lorenz Kleiser, To-Thanh Le, Léo Ornstein, Arthur Piaget Rossel, Wenyan Li, Clara Zuber
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The Congestion Charge Zone covers the area enclosed by the Third London Wall. This Wall continues the transformation, begun by the Second, from a physical into an electromagnetic entity. It is made of bits, electrons and radio waves, becoming less and less visible even as it becomes more pervasive.

Bridle, James: The Nor. All cameras are Police cameras (2014)

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    Lorenz Kleiser, To-Thanh Le, Léo Ornstein, Arthur Piaget Rossel, Wenyan Li, Clara Zuber
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Any elements, no matter where they are taken from, can be used to make new combinations. The discoveries of modern poetry regarding the analogical structure of images demonstrate that when two objects are brought together, no matter how far apart their original contexts may be, a relationship is always formed.

Debord, Guy; Volman, Gil: A User's Guide to Detournement (1956)

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    Lorenz Kleiser, To-Thanh Le, Léo Ornstein, Arthur Piaget Rossel, Wenyan Li, Clara Zuber
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Monitoring in Pathfinder/London: Walkthrough (2022)

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    Lorenz Kleiser, To-Thanh Le, Léo Ornstein, Arthur Piaget Rossel, Wenyan Li, Clara Zuber
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Monitoring in Pathfinder/London: Fragments (2022)

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    Lorenz Kleiser, To-Thanh Le, Léo Ornstein, Arthur Piaget Rossel, Wenyan Li, Clara Zuber
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Monitoring in Pathfinder/London: Perspectives from the edge (2022)

  • perspective
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    Lorenz Kleiser, To-Thanh Le, Léo Ornstein, Arthur Piaget Rossel, Wenyan Li, Clara Zuber
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Monitoring in Pathfinder/London: Fragmented Panopticon (2022)

  • fragments
  • panopticon
  • Uploaded by
    Lorenz Kleiser, To-Thanh Le, Léo Ornstein, Arthur Piaget Rossel, Wenyan Li, Clara Zuber
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Monitoring in Pathfinder/London: Via Londinium (2022)

  • fragments
  • piranesi
  • Uploaded by
    Lorenz Kleiser, To-Thanh Le, Léo Ornstein, Arthur Piaget Rossel, Wenyan Li, Clara Zuber
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Monitoring in Pathfinder/London: Epitome (2022)

  • Uploaded by
    Lorenz Kleiser, To-Thanh Le, Léo Ornstein, Arthur Piaget Rossel, Wenyan Li, Clara Zuber
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Monitoring in Pathfinder/London: Epitome (2022)

  • Uploaded by
    Lorenz Kleiser, To-Thanh Le, Léo Ornstein, Arthur Piaget Rossel, Wenyan Li, Clara Zuber
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