S1E8 Repetition/Difference

Meisenberg, Florian: Hihihihihihihihihi (2015)

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Corruption in Repetition/Difference: Snake eyes, Storyboard (2022)

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Corruption in Repetition/Difference: Snake Eyes (1998)

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The modern illness is the engulfing of the new in the duplicata, the engulfing of intelligence in the pleasure [jouissance] of the homogeneous. Real production is undoubtedly rare, for it attracts parasites that immediately make it something common and banal. Real production is unexpected and improbable; it overflows with information and is always immediately parasited.

Serres, michel: Le parasite (1980)

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Walker, alanson burton: Theorem 1909 (1909)

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The bit of noise, the small random element, transforms one system or one order into another. To reduce this otherness to contradiction is to reduce everything to violence and war.

Serres, Michel: Le Parasite (1980)

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cor-rumpo (conr- ), rāpi, ruptum (rumptum)

Lat. Verb: corrumpere, meaning “to ruin” (or literally “to break to pieces”), from the verb rumpere, “to break.”

Oxford University Press: etymology Corruption (2022)

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PERCOLA offers its inhabitants the joy to live in static homogeneity and guarantees every citizen the perfect surface for individual happiness. While the system is constantly striving to maintain this artificial equilibrium, the risk of corruption remains. The public realm, a random encounter or a collision of interests will eventually spread and transform the city from a circuit of certainties into an accumulation of mysteries from a container of privacy into a hive of relentless collectivism.

Corruption in Repetition/Difference: Promise (2022)

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Google Earth: Istanbul, Turkey (2022)

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In Bigness, the distance between core and envelope increases to the point where the facade can no longer reveal what happens inside. The humanist expectation of “honesty” is doomed: interior and exterior architectures become separate projects, one dealing with the instability of programmatic and iconographic needs, the other— agent of disinformation —offering the city the apparent stability of an object. Where architecture reveals, Bigness perplexes; Bigness transforms the city from a summation of certainties into an accumulation of mysteries. What you see is no longer what you get.

Koolhaas, Rem: S,M,L, XL (1995)

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Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects: ARIA Resort and Casino (2009)

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Corruption in Repetition/Difference: PERCOLA (2022)

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  • corruption
  • repetition
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Corruption in Repetition/Difference: Percola Zoom-In (2022)

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Corruption in Repetition/Difference: Drawing Percola (2022)

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Corruption in Repetition/Difference: Percola Zoom-In (2022)

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Christo and Jeanne-Claude: Wall of Oil Barrels—The Iron Curtain, Rue Visconti, Paris (1962)

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Gehry, frank: Santa Monica House (1991)

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Google Earth: Liverpool, England (2022)

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Google Earth: Las Vegas, USA (2022)

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Galfetti, Aurelio: Castel Grande (2000)

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True reason is not free of the contamination of madness, but on the contrary, it borrows some of the trails first carved out by madness. […] The vain spectacle, the frivolous sounds and the maelstrom of noise and color that make up the world is only ever the world of madness, and that must be accepted. This artificiality of the world must be welcomed, in the knowledge that that shallowness belongs not only to the spectacle but to the spectator as well.

Foucault, Michel: Madness and Civilization (1961)

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OMA: Très grande bibliothèque (1989)

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Corruption in Repetition/Difference: PERCOLA DRAWING (2022)

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Fehn, Sverre: The Norrköping House (1964)

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Wilson, Richard: Turning the place over (2008)

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Sir Henry Hoare: Stourhead Gardens (1725)

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Le Corbusier: Ville Radieuse (1930)

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“There is no equivalent in any other culture. It is the stamp of modernity itself. In the ever-increasing dimension from skin to core- the hidden potential of depth- it proclaims the superiority of the artificial to the real which remains, whether admitted or not, the true credo of Western civilization, the source of its universal attraction.”

Koolhaas, Rem: S,M,L,XL (1995)

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Fontana, Carlo: Project for a church in the Colosseum (1725)

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    Berger Joël, Lafranchi Noé, Sanchez Keller Artai
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Koolhaas, Rem; Zenghelis, Elia; Vriesendorp, Madelon; Zenghelis, Zoe: Exodus, or the Voluntary Prisoners of Architecture (1972)

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    Hall, Ruby & Honshuku, Yutaro
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We move into a world where everything that exists only as idea, dream, fantasy, utopia will be eradicated, because it will immediately be realized, operationalized. Nothing will survive as an idea or a concept. You will not even have time enough to imagine. Events, real events, will not even have time to take place.

Baudrillard, jean: The Vital Illusion (2000)

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Haus Rucker Co: Giant Billiard (1970)

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