S1E2 Order

Debord, Guy: The society of the spectacle cover (1983)


Monitoring in Order: Etymology Monitoring (2019)


observe and check the progress or quality of (something) over a period of time; keep under systematic review

Oxford Dictionary: Definition monitoring (2019)

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    Gsell Sascha, Meier Julian
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indicate duties or obligations to, express warning or advice

unknown: Definition (2019)

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    Gsell Sascha, Meier Julian
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Unknown: Monitor (2010)

  • lizard
  • observe
  • warn

Unknown: Broadway (2018)

  • spectacle

When the real world is transformed into mere images, mere images become real beings - dynamic figments that provide the direct motivations for a hypnotic behavior.

Debord, Guy: The Society of the Spectacle (1967)

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    Gsell Sascha, Meier Julian
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  • Download text

Godard, Jean-Luc: Nos Esperances (2018)

  • contemplation
  • narcissism
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    Gsell Sascha, Meier Julian
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We have vanished into the screens of an unreal world, come back out and let the screens follow us into our world.

We are no longer passive in regard to monitoring, we actively constitute it. We are our images.

Monitoring in Order: The Society of Narcissism (2019)

  • Uploaded by
    Gsell Sascha, Meier Julian
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Merisi, Michelangelo da Caravaggio: Narcissus (1599)

  • narcissism

Monitoring in Order: Narcissus' (2019)

  • mirror
  • secondbody

Palladio, Andrea: Villa Capra (1591)

  • rotonda

Velázquez, Diego: Las Meninas (1656)

  • painting
  • mirror

Magritte, René: La reproduction interdite (1937)

  • mirror

Magritte, René: La Condition Humaine (1935)

  • reality
  • image

Monitoring in Order: Floor Plan (2019)

  • prison
  • villa

Monitoring in Order: L'Image (2019)

Romano, Giulio: Banquet of Amor and Psyche (1535)

  • fresco
  • banquet
  • dinner

Monitoring in Order: Dining Room (2019)

Sodoma II: Wedding of Alexander and Roxane (1517)

  • fresco
  • bedroom

Monitoring in Order: Bedroom (2019)

Sanzio, Raffaello: The School of Athens (1511)

  • library
  • fresco

Monitoring in Order: Library (2019)

Monitoring in Order: La Vue (2019)

Monitoring in Order: Section (2019)

Monitoring in Order: Transformation of Suburban House (2019)

  • suburbs
  • terraces
  • focus

Monitoring in Order: Transformation of Suburban Neighborhood (2019)

  • focus
  • terraces

Monitoring in Order: Situation (2019)

  • focus
  • spiral

Monitoring in Order: Society of Narcissism (2019)

Monitoring in Order: Movie (2019)

  • Uploaded by
    Gsell Sascha, Meier Julian
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