S2E4 Pathfinder/Los Angeles

Light, Micheal: LA Day (2004)


Freeman, Ed: Los Angeles Freeway (1999)

Paas, Elsa Matache, Maria: Freeways of the Greater Los Angeles Area (2024)

[T]he freeway experience, [...] is the only secular communion Los Angeles has. Mere driving on the freeway is in no way the same as participating in it. Anyone can “drive” on the freeway,[...], hesitating here and resisting there, [...], thinking about where they came from and where they are going. Actual participants think only about where they are. [...]

Joan Didion: The White Album (1979)

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    Maria Matache, Elsa Paas
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Paas, Elsa Matache, Maria: Core (2024)

Humble John: Neighbour (1993)

Paas, Elsa Matache, Maria: Variables (2024)

Gursky, Andreas: Bahrain I (2005)

Gursky, Andreas: Utah (2017)

Light, Micheal: LA Day (2004)

Paas, Elsa Matache, Maria: 27 freeways of Greater Los Angeles (2024)

Paas, Elsa Matache, Maria: ElectroCardioGram for the Route (2024)

Paas, Elsa Matache, Maria: Orchestration (2024)

Paas, Elsa Matache, Maria: Mapping LA Freeway System (2024)

Paas, Elsa Matache, Maria: Genesis (2024)

For the perfect flâneur, for the passionate spectator, it is an immense joy to set up house in the heart of the multitude, amid the ebb and flow of movement, in the midst of the fugitive and the infinite. To be away from home and yet to feel oneself everywhere at home; to see the world, to be at the centre of the world, and yet to remain hidden from the world [...].


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    Maria Matache, Elsa Paas
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Dr. Kahn, Fritz: Der Mensch als Industriepalast (1926)

Paas, Elsa Matache, Maria: Freeway Heart (2024)

Paas, Elsa Matache, Maria: Lifeline (2024)

Franco, Tim: Atlas of places, Metamorpolis (2009)

Paas, Elsa Matache, Maria: Positives and Negatives (2024)

Paas, Elsa Matache, Maria: Towers (2024)

Paas, Elsa Matache, Maria: Symbiosis (2024)

Paas, Elsa Matache, Maria: Harmony (2024)

I don't have a Seine river like Monet. I've just got the US 66 between Oklohoma and Los Angeles.

Variables in Pathfinder/Los Angeles: Quote by Ed Ruscha (1956)

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    Maria Matache, Elsa Paas
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Paas, Elsa Matache, Maria: Metamorphosis (2024)

Acceleration in Dionysos: Arsenal (2020)

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    Bruderer Arno, Eichmeyer Pierre
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Paas, Elsa Matache, Maria: Size Comparison (2024)