S1E4 Variables

NASA: Apollo 11 Splashes Down (1967)

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    Fritschi Sandro, Wyss Oliver
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Woven from ever repeating feeding cords, the MÉDIATEUR branches out into the sea. Its citizens, allured by the promises of freedom echoing from the endless flow of goods, took to the sea only to find themselves utterly dependent on the Médiateur’s docks.

Repetition in Variables: Statement (2020)

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    Fritschi Sandro, Wyss Oliver
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Repetition in Variables: MÉDIATEUR (2020)

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    Fritschi Sandro, Wyss Oliver
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Repetition in Variables: Médiateur (2020)

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    Fritschi Sandro, Wyss Oliver
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We are in the epoch of simultaneity: we are in the epoch of juxtaposition, the epoch of the near and far, of the side by side, of the dispersed. We are at a moment, I believe, when our experience of the world is less that of a long life developing through time than that of a network that connects points and intersects with its own skein.

Foucault, Michel: Of Other Spaces (1986)

  • Agent
  • Semester
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  • network
  • simultaneity
  • heterotopia
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    Guiness Joshua, Schweizer Jan
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The Grid—or any other subdivision of the metropolitan territory into maximum increments of control—describes an archipelago of “Cities within Cities.” The more each “island” celebrates different values, the more the unity of the archipelago as system is reinforced. Because “change” is contained on the component “islands,” such a system will never have to be revised.

Koolhaas, Rem: Delirious New York (1978)

  • grid
  • island
  • control
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    Fritschi Sandro, Wyss Oliver
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"autonomous condition, power or right of self-government," 1620s, of states, from Greek autonomia "independence," abstract noun from autonomos "independent, living by one's own laws," from autos "self" (see auto-) + nomos "custom, law"

etymology online: Autonomy (2020)

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    Fritschi Sandro, Wyss Oliver
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Carroll, Lewis: Ocean Chart (2011)

  • sea
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    Fritschi Sandro, Wyss Oliver
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A hundred profound solitudes together constitute the city of Venice. That is its charm. A model for the men of the future.

Nietzsche, Friedrich: Daybreak: Thoughts on the Prejudices of Morality (1881)

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    Fritschi Sandro, Wyss Oliver
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Hopper, Edward: Rooms by the Sea (1951)

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    Fritschi Sandro, Wyss Oliver
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    Beyeler Zora, Graf Sara, Pinardi Alina
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Denes, Agnes: Wheatfield (1982)

  • newyork
  • field
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    Fritschi Sandro, Wyss Oliver
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Koolhaas, Rem: Elements of Architecture (2014)

  • ceiling
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    Fritschi Sandro, Wyss Oliver
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Unknown: Key System Mole, San Francisco Bay (1933)

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    Fritschi Sandro, Wyss Oliver
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Tawney, Lenore: Dark River Wall Hanging (1962)

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    Fritschi Sandro, Wyss Oliver
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Tange, Kenzo: Tokyo Bay Masterplan (1961)

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"sympathy marked by community of interest, likeness based on relationship or causal connection", 14th century, from Latin affīnis "bordering (on)", from ad- AD- + fīnis "boundary, limit" + -itās -ITY

Merriam-Webster: Etymology: Affinity (2020)

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Unknown: Cascos on Pasig River, Manila (1900)

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    Fritschi Sandro, Wyss Oliver
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Each city receives its form from the desert it opposes; and so the camel driver and the sailor see Despina, a border city between two deserts.

Calvino, Italo: Invisible Cities (1972)

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    Fritschi Sandro, Wyss Oliver
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Repetition in Variables: Section Pier (2020)

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    Fritschi Sandro, Wyss Oliver
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Repetition in Variables: Médiateur (2020)

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    Fritschi Sandro, Wyss Oliver
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"having the proper form or shape", used of minerals whose crystalline growth has not been interfered with, 1887, from Greek idiomorphos, from idio- + -morphos -morphous

Merriam-Webster: Etymology: Idiomorphic (2020)

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Minnigh, L.D.: Fig. 19. Spessartine-rich idiomorphic garnets of a meta-chert (1978)

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Google Earth: Lagos: Makako (Floating Village) (2020)

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    Fritschi Sandro, Wyss Oliver
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Despina can be reached in two ways: by ship or by camel. The city displays one face to the traveler arriving overland and a different one to him who arrives by sea.

Calvino, Italo: Invisible Cities (1972)

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    Fritschi Sandro, Wyss Oliver
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LCLA: Pelagic Alphabet (2016)

  • archipelago
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    Fritschi Sandro, Wyss Oliver
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Superstudio: Grid, India ink on tracing paper, 427 × 555 mm. (1969)

  • grid
  • superstudio
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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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Zoe Zenghelis: City of the captive globe (1976)

  • parody
  • oma
  • dny
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    Meyer Luca, Vuattoux Thierry
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Schaal, Hans: Bed Landscape (1970)

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    Fritschi Sandro, Wyss Oliver
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We always find ourselves within multiplicities. Multiplicities are ensembles of singularities.

Deleuze, Gilles: L'abécédaire (1996)

  • deleuze
  • multiplicity
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    Crim Ileana, Karbeyaz Cagri
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Pape, Lygia: Divisor (1968)

  • community
  • connection
  • cloth
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    Berardi Veronica, Fudoli Alessandra
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Unknown: Cascos on Pasig River, Manila (1900)

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    Fritschi Sandro, Wyss Oliver
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I think the fragment is the only possible moment and the only possible place to understand.

Van Den Berghe, Jo: Manifesto (2019)

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    Büchi Laura, Pante Mathis, Reuse Charlotte
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NASA: Apollo 11 Splashes Down (1967)

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    Fritschi Sandro, Wyss Oliver
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I am living permanently in my dream, from which I make brief forays into reality.

Bergman, Ingmar: Images: My Life in Film (1990)

  • dream
  • reality
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    Fritschi Sandro, Wyss Oliver
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Varda, Agnes: Uncle Yanco, Movie Still (1967)

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    Fritschi Sandro, Wyss Oliver
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BBC: Report on Principality of Sealand, Movie Still (1970)

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Unknown: Poon Lim on Raft (1943)

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    Fritschi Sandro, Wyss Oliver
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Life. Too much of it, and not enough. The fear that it will end some day, and the fear that tomorrow will be the same as yesterday.

Updike, John: Rabbit is Rich (1981)

  • entropy
  • everyday
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Queysanne, Bernard: Un homme qui dort (1974)

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We have two kinds of evidence of the passage of time. One is rhythmic repetition-the heartbeat, breathing, sleeping and waking, hunger, the cycles of sun and moon, the seasons, waves, tides, clocks. The other is progressive and irreversible change-growth and decay, not recurrence but alteration.

Lynch, Kevin: What Time Is This Place? (1972)

  • decay
  • cycle
  • time
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    Correia Antonio Brito, Pülz Alan, Schäli Erich
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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: Mississippi River Meander Belt (1944)

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    Fritschi Sandro, Wyss Oliver
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Godard, Jean Luc: 2 Ou 3 Choses Que Je Sais D'Elle, Movie Still (1967)

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Walther, Franz Erhard: 1. Werksatz (1970)

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We finally landed on the Isle of Freedom and burned the ship that took us there.

Sloderdijk, Peter: Die Schrecklichen Kinder der Neuzeit (2014)

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    Debons Claire, Kültür Yagmur
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Google Earth: Gibraltar (2020)

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Unknown: Scheveign Pier, Den Haag (2000)

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Rossi, Aldo: Teatro del Mundo (1979)

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Hilberseimer, Ludwig: Vertical City (1924)

  • city
  • overlayering
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Marker, Chris: La Jetee, Movie Still (1962)

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Siza, Alvaro: malagueira quarter housing (1977)

  • infrastructure
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Lichtenegger, Erwin: Solanum Tuberosum (2009)

  • roots
  • plant
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    Gasparini Lisa, Schweizer Ralf
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Kunkel, Dennis: Microvilli Of The Small Intestine (2018)

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    Fritschi Sandro, Wyss Oliver
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Repetition in Variables: Concept Vision (2020)

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    Fritschi Sandro, Wyss Oliver
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