Students: Anne-Sophie Bruderer, Ladina Naegeli Title:
Students: Anne-Sophie Bruderer, Ladina Naegeli Title: Vergara, Camilo José: Fence, alley east of S. Central Ave., Los Angeles (2002)
- Agent
- SemesterPathfinder/Los Angeles
- Media
- TypePhotography
- fence
- Uploaded byAnne-Sophie Bruderer, Ladina Naegeli
- Uploaded on240514
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Nomad in Pathfinder/Los Angeles: ALLEY TYPOLOGIES IN LOS ANGELES (2024)
- Agent
- SemesterPathfinder/Los Angeles
- Media
- TypeDrawing
- alley
- typologies
- Uploaded byAnne-Sophie Bruderer, Ladina Naegeli
- Uploaded on240324
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Vergara, Camilo José: Alley west of Atlantic Ave., south of Kinnie, City of Commerce, CA (1997)
- Agent
- SemesterPathfinder/Los Angeles
- Media
- TypePhotography
- losangeles
- alley
- Uploaded byAnne-Sophie Bruderer, Ladina Naegeli
- Uploaded on240324
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Vergara, Camilo José: Omar Ave. at Boyd St., Skid Row LA (2007)
- Agent
- SemesterPathfinder/Los Angeles
- Media
- TypePhotography
- nomad
- california
- Uploaded byAnne-Sophie Bruderer, Ladina Naegeli
- Uploaded on240225
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The water point is reached only in order to be left behind; every point is a relay and exists only as a relay. A path is always between two points, but the in-between has taken on all the consistency and enjoys both autonomy and a direction of its own. The life of the nomad is the intermezzo.
Nomad in Pathfinder/Los Angeles: continuance (2024)
- Agent
- SemesterPathfinder/Los Angeles
- Media
- TypeDrawing
- nomad
- alley
- relay
- Uploaded byAnne-Sophie Bruderer, Ladina Naegeli
- Uploaded on240514
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Nomad in Pathfinder/Los Angeles: 48h of a nomad (2024)
- Agent
- SemesterPathfinder/Los Angeles
- Media
- TypeDrawing
- nomad
- 48h
- Uploaded byAnne-Sophie Bruderer, Ladina Naegeli
- Uploaded on240324
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Nomad in Pathfinder/Los Angeles: inhabit (2024)
- Agent
- SemesterPathfinder/Los Angeles
- Media
- TypeOther
- alley
- montage
- Uploaded byAnne-Sophie Bruderer, Ladina Naegeli
- Uploaded on240324
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Nomad in Pathfinder/Los Angeles: routine (2024)
- Agent
- SemesterPathfinder/Los Angeles
- Media
- TypeDrawing
- alley
- Uploaded byAnne-Sophie Bruderer, Ladina Naegeli
- Uploaded on240514
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Nomad in Pathfinder/Los Angeles: range (2024)
- Agent
- SemesterPathfinder/Los Angeles
- Media
- TypeDrawing
- losangeles
- nomad
- alley
- territory
- Uploaded byAnne-Sophie Bruderer, Ladina Naegeli
- Uploaded on240514
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Nomad in Pathfinder/Los Angeles: adapt (2024)
- Agent
- SemesterPathfinder/Los Angeles
- Media
- TypePhotography
- ball
- relay
- alley
- Uploaded byAnne-Sophie Bruderer, Ladina Naegeli
- Uploaded on240514
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The outside of any building may now come inside and the inside go outside, each seems as part of the other. Continuity, plasticity, and all the new simplicity the imply have at last come home.
Nomad in Pathfinder/Los Angeles: satiate (2024)
- Agent
- SemesterPathfinder/Los Angeles
- Media
- TypePhotography
- groceryshopping
- alley
- Uploaded byAnne-Sophie Bruderer, Ladina Naegeli
- Uploaded on240522
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Nomad in Pathfinder/Los Angeles: domain (2024)
- Agent
- SemesterPathfinder/Los Angeles
- Media
- TypeDrawing
- losangeles
- relay
- alley
- Uploaded byAnne-Sophie Bruderer, Ladina Naegeli
- Uploaded on240514
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Vergara, Camilo José
Nomad in Pathfinder/Los Angeles
Vergara, Camilo José
Vergara, Camilo José
- The water point is reached only in order to be left behind; every point is a relay and exists only…
Nomad in Pathfinder/Los Angeles
Nomad in Pathfinder/Los Angeles
Nomad in Pathfinder/Los Angeles
Nomad in Pathfinder/Los Angeles
Nomad in Pathfinder/Los Angeles
Nomad in Pathfinder/Los Angeles
Nomad in Pathfinder/Los Angeles
- The outside of any building may now come inside and the inside go outside, each seems as part of…
Wright, Frank Lloyd
Nomad in Pathfinder/Los Angeles
Nomad in Pathfinder/Los Angeles