S1E3 Constants

Abramovic, Marina; Ulay: Imponderabilia (1977)

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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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Contamination in Constants: Suburbia's revival (2019)

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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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Contamination in Constants: Suburbia's revival zoom (2019)

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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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Contamination in Constants: Suburbia's revival (2019)

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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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Abramovic, Marina; Ulay: Imponderabilia (1977)

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People's lives can change if you contaminate the system that they live in. Take away the car and let the urban life spread. Let people enjoy the city's simpliest daily pleasures. Let a new system develop in a network of confronted individualities.

Contamination in Constants: Statement (2019)

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  • statement
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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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contamination (n.)
the action or state of making or being made impure

Oxford Dictionary: Definition (2019)

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Unknown: Old Centaur teased by Eros (200)

  • sculputre
  • hybrid
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Fairchild, Thomas: Fairchilds Mule (1717)

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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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Beltrá, Daniel: Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Gulf of Mexico (2010)

  • oil
  • accident
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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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Contamination in Constants: City of individuality (2019)

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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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Contamination in Constants: Los Angeles (2019)

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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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Contamination in Constants: Los Angeles (2019)

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Le Corbusier: American Dream (1935)

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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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Cellarius, Andreas: Heliocentric Theory (1660)

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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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Unknown: Matriochka (2019)

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  • doll
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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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Burton, Tim: Edward Scissorhands (1990)

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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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Contamination in Constants: scheme (2019)

  • scheme
  • selectsomeoptions
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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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Contamination in Constants: Subra-urban (2019)

  • suburbs
  • skytrain
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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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Contamination in Constants: Supra-urbia (2019)

  • suburbs
  • groceryshopping
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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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Créer n'est pas déformer ou inventer des personnes ou des choses. C'est nouer entre des personnes et des choses qui existent et telles qu'elles existent, des rapports nouveaux.

Bresson, Robert: Entretiens (1983)

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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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Meyerowitz, Joel: Laundry, Cape Cod (1982)

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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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Graham, Dan: Alteration to a suburban house (1992)

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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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Contamination in Constants: Chain of fusion (2019)

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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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I too am surprised, like you.

Or rather was.

I am already starting to get used to it.

Ionesco, Eugène: Rhinoceros (1959)

  • rhinoceros
  • litterature
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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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Contamination in Constants: Enfilade (2019)

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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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We need sequences of space which arouse ones curiosity, give a sense of anticipation, beckon and impel us to rush forward to find that releasing space which dominates, which promises a climax and therefore gives direction.

Rudolph, Paul: Writings on architecture (1956)

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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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Salwa B: Tissue culture contamination (2011)

  • science
  • cells
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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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NASA: Moonlanding Apollo 11 (1969)

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  • flag
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Magritte, René: Golconda (1953)

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    Mendoza Diaz Rodrigo, Naroyan Arko, Uzun Ali
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Koolhaas, Rem: Fundamentals (2014)

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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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Graham, Dan: Public space (1976)

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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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Koons, Jeff: Saint John the baptist (1988)

  • sculputre
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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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Bracey, Chris: God's own junkyard (2016)

  • light
  • sculptures
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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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Augustus: Marcello Theatre (13)

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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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Contamination in Constants: Phases of contamination (2019)

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  • drop
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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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A city can be friendly to people or it can be friendly to cars. But it can’t be both.

PEÑALOSA, ENRIQUE: Happy City (2013)

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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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Edison, Thomas Alva: The invention of the light bulb (1880)

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Unknown: Massabielle Grotto (1913)

  • lourdes
  • grotto
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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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Contamination in Constants: Campbell's Soup Cans (1962)

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  • cans
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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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Contamination in Constants: Adaptation (2019)

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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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One person's freedom ends where another's begin

Kant, Immanuel: Freedom (1800)

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Loos, Adolf: Looshaus (1911)

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Vittori, Michele: Sicily (2017)

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Google Earth Pro: Piazza del Campo, Siena (2019)

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Fleming, Victor: The wizard of Oz (1939)

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Yamasaki, Minoru: Demolition of Pruitt–Igoe (1972)

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  • destruction
  • expendable
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    Fest Leonie, Grünig Vanessa
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Urban residents had been denied the opportunity to enjoy the city’s simpliest daily pleasures - walking on convivial streets, sitting around in public, talking, gazing at grass, water, falling leaves and other people. And playing: children had largely disappeared from Bogotá’s streets - not because of the feat of gunfire or abduction, but because the streets had been rendered dangerous by sheer speed.

Montgomery, Charles: Happy City (2013)

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Albers, Annie: Intersection (1962)

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Abramović, Marina; Ulay: Relation in Time (1977)

  • time
  • connection
  • hair
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    Gasparini Lisa, Schweizer Ralf
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Unknown: Burst (2015)

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  • explode
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  • dangraham
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Crooks, Daniel: Phantom Ride (2016)

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  • danielcrooks
  • phantomride
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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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We found that if you make more road space, you get more cars. If you make more bike lanes, you get more bikes. If you make more space for people, you get more people, and of course then you get public life.

Gehl, Jan: Happy City (2013)

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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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More people than ever got to live the dream of having their own detached home. The stock of cars - and bedrooms and toilets - far surpassed the number of humans who used them.

Montgomery, Charles: Happy City (2013)

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  • happycity
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Meyerowitz, Joel: Provincetown (1976)

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  • joelmeyerowitz
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Watson, Jay: Santa Cruz (1995)

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  • jaywatson
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Gruyaert, Harry: East West (1982)

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We like to look at each other. We enjoy hovering in zones somewhere between strangers and intimates. We want the opportunity to watch and be watched, even if we have no intention of ever actually making contact with one another.
This hunger for time among strangers is so widespread that it seems to contradict the urge to retreat that helped create the dispersed city in the first place.

Gehl, Jan: Happy City (1962)

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  • jangehl
  • happycity
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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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Contamination in Constants: A new Worship (2019)

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Rorschach, Hermann: Rorschach Test (1960)

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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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Contamination in Constants: A Trambased City (2019)

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  • trambased
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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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Eggelstone, William: For now (1975)

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    Pitteloud Stéphanie, Strandl Lisa
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